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the future, he would like to have open space dedicated to EBRPD, and if there would be <br />clustering, he would like to look into the possibility of including access to the Ridge <br />through the buffer land. <br />Commissioner Blank recalled that the Staples Ranch visuals for its residential <br />application were outstanding and suggested that staff share those plans with the <br />applicant for the purpose of indicating what the Commissioners would like to see. He <br />also echoed Commissioner Narum and O’Connor in that these homes would not satisfy <br />the regional housing needs requirements, and he cannot find a compelling reason to <br />say yes. <br />Commissioner Narum stated that she would want the site plan to follow the Foothill <br />Road Corridor Overlay District with the required setbacks from Foothill Road, clustering, <br />and other items. She added that vineyards were not the intent of the District; the <br />Commission did not allow it on other projects and would not want to see it on this <br />project either. <br />Commissioner Pentin agreed that this particular project has problems with the <br />remainder of the questions. <br />Commissioner Narum suggested a discussion on the house sizes and designs to <br />minimize visual impacts to different points in the City, and a willingness to keep all <br />houses single story. <br />Stan Gamble stated that Parcel 3 is not very steep and that there are not many trees. <br />He inquired whether the Commission would be amenable to developing Parcel 3 as a <br />further option and recommended that the Commission visit the site. <br />Chair Olson stated that the Commission is generally not in favor of amending the <br />General Plan and that whatever is proposed should meet the guidelines for the Foothill <br />Road Corridor Overlay District. <br />No action was taken. <br />c. PDR-932, Jon Harvey <br />Application for Design Review approval to revise the roofing material <br />from metal shingle to standing seam metal roof for the house under <br />construction at 221 Neal Street (PDR-740). Zoning for the property is <br />R-1-6,500 (Single-Family Residential) District. <br />Natalie Amos presented the staff report and described the scope, layout and key <br />elements of the project. <br />Commissioner O’Connor inquired if the applicant, when the original roof was proposed <br />and negotiations occurred with neighbors, considered other provisions when he chose a <br />roof not warranted by the manufacturer. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, December 8, 2010 Page 9 of 23 <br /> <br />