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architectural and engineering assistance on a contract basis as deemed <br /> reasonably necessary. If any part of the work is to be accomplished by private <br /> contract, standard public works contractual procedures shall be followed. <br /> B. Costs: The cost of such work shall be paid from the City's repair and demolition <br /> fund. Recovery of these costs may be made a special assessment against the <br /> property involved, or may be made a personal obligation of the property owner, <br /> whichever the City shall determine is appropriate. (Ord. 1669 § 8, 1995) <br /> Section 8.02 Repair and Demolition Fund <br /> A. General. The City of Pleasanton shall establish a special revolving fund to be <br /> designated as the repair and demolition fund. Payments shall be made out of said <br /> fund upon the demand of the director of public works to defray the costs and <br /> expenses which may be incurred by the City of Pleasanton in doing or causing to be <br /> done the necessary work of repair or demolition of dangerous buildings. <br /> B. Maintenance of Fund. The City of Pleasanton may at any time transfer to the repair <br /> and demolition fund, out of any money in the general fund, such sums as it may <br /> deem necessary in order to expedite the performance of the work of repair or <br /> demolition, and any sum so transferred shall be deemed a loan to the repair and <br /> demolition fund and shall be repaid out of the proceeds of the collections hereinafter <br /> provided for shall be paid to the treasurer of the City of Pleasanton who shall credit <br /> the same to the repair and demolition fund. <br /> CHAPTER 9 <br /> RECOVERY OF COST OF REPAIR OR DEMOLITION <br /> Section 9.01 Account of Expense, Filing of Report <br /> The director of public works shall keep an itemized account of the expense incurred by <br /> City of Pleasanton in the repair or demolition of any building done pursuant to the <br /> provisions of Section 7.01(C) 3 of this code. Upon the completion of the work of repair <br /> or demolition, said director shall prepare and file with the City Clerk a report specifying <br /> the work done, the itemized and total cost of the work, a description of the real property <br /> upon which the building or structure is or was located, and the names and addresses of <br /> the persons entitled to notice pursuant to Section 4.01(C). <br /> Section 9.02 Notice of Hearing <br /> Upon receipt of said report, the City Clerk shall present it to the City Council for <br /> consideration. The City Council shall fix a time, date and place for hearing said report <br /> and any protests or objections thereto. The City Clerk shall cause notice of said hearing <br /> to be posted upon the property involved, published once in a newspaper of general <br /> circulation in the City of Pleasanton, and served by certified mail, postage prepaid, <br /> addressed to the owner of the property as the owner's name and address appears on <br /> the last equalized roll of Alameda County or as known to the Clerk. Such notice shall <br /> be given at least 10 days prior to the date set for the hearing and shall specify the day, <br /> hour and place where the City Council will hear and pass upon the director's report, <br /> 88 <br />