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Resolution No. PC-2002-19 <br />Page 10 <br />Fire Prevention for review and approval prior to installation. All required inspections and <br />witnessing of tests shall be completed prior to final inspection and occupancy of the <br />building(s). The fire alarm system shall be monitored in accordance with the Pleasanton <br />Municipal Ordinance # 1778. The fire alarm system shall transmit zone information to a <br />UL listed Central Station as specified in the Ordinance. <br />57. As required by the Fire Chief, all sprinkler and back flow prevention Fire Department <br />connections (FDC) shall be placazded with the address(es) it serves. The placazd shall be <br />submitted with the signage package for the site and shall have numerals on a contrasting <br />background. All placazds are subject to the review of the Fire Chief. <br />Police <br />58. If required by the Police Department, the building covered by this approval shall be <br />equipped with an alarm system, the type to be approved by the Police Department and that <br />this system shall be installed prior to occupancy of the building. <br />Engineering <br />59. The project developer shall submit a final grading and drainage plan prepazed by a <br />licensed civil engineer depicting all final grades and on-site drainage control measures, <br />including concrete-lined V-ditches, to protect all cut and fill slopes from surface water <br />overflow. This plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer <br />and/or the Chief Building Official prior to the issuance of any building perrnits. <br />60. The project developer shall submit a refundable cash bond for hazazd and erosion control <br />prior to issuance of an Engineering or Building Department permit. The amount of this <br />bond will be determined by the City Engineer. <br />61. The project developer shall install structural controls such as oil/water separators (vault- <br />type), fossil filters, Stormceptor system or approved equal in the parking lot to intercept <br />and pretreat storm water prior to reaching the storm drain. The design, locations, and a <br />schedule for maintaining the separator shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review <br />and approval prior to issuance of building permits. The structural control shall be cleaned <br />at least twice a year; once immediately prior to October I S and once in January. The <br />project developer shall enter into a maintenance agreement for the oil/water separator with <br />the City. <br />62. The haul route for all materials to and from this development shall be approved by the <br />City Engineer prior to the issuance of an encroachment permit. <br />63. The project developer shall include erosion control measures on the final grading plan, <br />subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The project developer is responsible for <br />