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<br />r--- <br /> <br />acknowledged that the church has done a good job of alleviating parking in front of his house <br />during the Sunday morning services, but there is still a parking problem at other times. Mr. <br />Retsch commented that if at any time in the future the parking agreement is revoked, the church <br />will be in violation of the parking code and there will be an impact to surrounding residents. He <br />requested that an enforceable provision be included with this approval that guarantees a <br />reduction and elimination of parking in the residential areas. <br /> <br />Chairperson Maas noted that the letter of agreement with the school district calls for review <br />every three years to ensure the satisfaction of both parties, but it states that the intention is to <br />have a long-term relationship. <br /> <br />Tom McLaughlin, 1123 Tiffany Lane, advised that he is the current president of the Tiffany <br />Lane Homeowners' Association. He commented that homeowners are in agreement with the <br />decision to expand the complex, noting that it does not affect them because of the proximity of <br />the expansion to the homeowners' units. He further commented that the church as done a very <br />good job with the parking on Sundays. He noted that the area of the street that the prior speaker <br />was discussing has always had a problem with parking. He further noted that there has also been <br />problems with high school students parking in this area. <br /> <br />Mr. Moore stated that he appreciates the comments made by the speakers and he feels they can <br />do a better job with addressing parking concerns. He also stated that he recognizes that they <br />need to address the problems on Monday evenings. He provided clarification on the agreement <br />with Amador High School. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br /> <br />Commissioner Sullivan questioned what would happen if the school district decided to terminate <br />the agreement. Mr. Kishi advised that the conditions of approval require the applicant to come <br />back to the City if there are any significant changes. He noted that the church does have some <br />flexibility in scheduling services and activities. He stated that it would be the church's <br />responsibility to come back with some modified statement of use. Mr. Kishi described some of <br />the other alternatives and arrangements that could made for parking. <br /> <br />In response to an inquiry from Chairperson Maas, Mr. Kishi advised that while this is a <br />second-story addition, the main visual focal point will still be the larger sanctuary building. <br />Chairperson Maas inquired as to whether there may be some other alternatives to removing the <br />heritage tree. Mr. Kishi advised that there is the possibility of transplanting, noting that some <br />species do not fair well after being relocated. He further advised that the applicant is proposing <br />to plant a number of box-size trees in that area to soften the view and the corner of the site. He <br />noted that staff feels the number of new trees, in combination with the setback, would help. <br />Chairperson Maas noted that she would like to suggest that the tree be transplanted if possible. <br /> <br />--- <br /> <br />Chairperson Maas questioned the rendering of the proposed expansion, stating that she feels it <br />will come out farther than the sanctuary. Mr. Kishi confirmed that the right-hand side does come <br />forward. Commissioner Sullivan noted that when he visited the site he felt that it is already an <br />imposing building, and it will be more imposing with this addition. <br /> <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES <br /> <br />January 23, 2002 <br /> <br />Page 12 <br />