<br /> Article 1 APPLYING TO PRIVATE
<br /> Section 5 -5.01 Truck Routes. In Section 5 -5.08 Movement of Over -
<br /> addition to State. highways within size or eight Equipment. The Article 1
<br /> the City the fo lowing streets or City Traffic ffte Engineer may, by writ- REMOVAL OP ABANDONED
<br /> portions thereof located within the i I ten permit, authorize a load or loads VEHICLES PROM PRIVATE
<br /> City are hereby established and des in excess of sizes or w.eige el- PROPERTY
<br /> the movement as truck traffic routes for lowed for In the Vehicle Code, , I Y, in Section 6 -7.01 Authority. In addi-
<br /> the movement of vehicles exceeding hie judgment, the streets upon don to and in accordance with the
<br /> a maximum grove weight limit of which such vehicle is to be open- determination made - and the author -
<br /> three tons and the City Traffic En- aced can safely withstand the loads, ity granted by the State of Vr-
<br /> gineer is authorized and directed to p1 if t applicant will guarantee nia under Sect the
<br /> Sect-ion 22660 of the Ve-
<br /> designate such 'streets a
<br /> s 'Truck to the City that all .costs of repair hide Code to remove abandoned,
<br /> Routes" by appeopriate signs and to the streets Or to the public prop- wrecked, dismantled or inoperative
<br /> to post such other streets as napes- arty of the city damaged by the vehicles or parts thereof as public
<br /> vary to prohibi. commercial ve- will b of such load - or loads nuisances, the City Council hereby
<br /> Meier exceeding the three ton limit: will be paid in full- Such permit makes the following findings and
<br /> 1. Tassa Road from State
<br /> R shall be granted upon such condi- declarations:
<br /> Highway Route 580 southerly to Liens and upon depositing such bond Section 5 -7.02 Windings. The ac-
<br /> Santa Rita Road. Both directions. as the City Traffic Engineer In his cumulation and storage of aban-
<br /> ' 2. Santa Rita Road from Tassa- discretion may require. cloned, wrecked, dismantled, or in-
<br /> jara Road sour terly to Stanley CHAPTER VI operative vehicles parts thereof
<br /> Boulevard. Both 3irections. SPEED ZONES on private or public properly- not
<br /> ' 3. Stanley B avail from Santa Article 1 including highways, is .hereby
<br /> Rita Road easterly do the City Lim- INCREASE IN STATE SPEED found to create a condition tending
<br /> its. Both directions, LIMIT IN CERTAIN ZONES to reduce the value of private prop-
<br /> 4. First Strut from Stanley Section 5 -6.01 Increasing State erty, to promote blight and deteri-
<br /> Boulevard soutbres cti y to Sunol 1 Speed Limit in Certain Zones. It Is oration, to invite pto constitute ing, to ere -
<br /> Boulevard. Both ]erections, hereby determined upon the basis ate fire hazards, to constitute an
<br /> 5. Sunol Boul ward from First' , b of an engineering and traffic in- attractive nuisance creating a ha-
<br /> Street Southerly to State Highway vestigation that the speed permit- hard to the health and -safety of
<br /> Route 680. Both Erections, tad by State law upon the follow- minors, to create a harborage for
<br /> 6. Vineyard Avenue from First ing streets is less than is neces- rodents and insects and to be in-
<br /> Street Easterly b the City Limits- sary for safe operation of vehicles jnious to the health, safety and
<br /> Both directions. thereon by reason of the designs- general welfare. Therefore, the
<br /> 7. Bernal Avenue from Foothill tion and sign- posting of said streets presence of an abandoned, wrecked,
<br /> Road easterly to Main Street. Both as through highways and tor) by dismantled or inoperative vehicle or
<br /> directions. reason of widely spaced intensec- part thereof, on private or public
<br /> 8. Foothill Rond within the City tions, and it is hereby declared that property not including highways,
<br /> limits. Both directions. the prima facie speed limit shall except as expressly hereinafter per -
<br /> 9. Main Street from Bernal !Ave- be as hereinafter set forth on those milted, is hereby declared to con -
<br /> nue southerly to Sunol Boulevard. streets or parts of streets herein stitute a public nuisance which
<br /> For southbound traffic only- designated when signs are erected may he abated as such in accord -
<br /> Section 6 -5.02 When such truck giving notice thereof; are with the provisions of this
<br /> routes are designated by approprl -i Article 2 Article,
<br /> ate signs, the operator of any ve- DECREASE IN STATE SPEED Section 5-7.03 Definitions. As
<br /> heelo .exceedtng s. maximum gross LIMIT 5-6 Decrease ZONES used in this article, the term pub -
<br /> weight limit of three tons shall Section 5 -6.06 Decrease of State lie :property" does not include
<br /> drive on such route or routes and Law Maximum Speed. It is hereby 'highway" -
<br /> none other, exert that nothing in determined upon the basis of an
<br /> F g Section 5-7.04 Exception", This
<br /> this section shat prohibit the op- engineering and traffic i ga-
<br /> P p article shall not apply to:
<br /> rotor of any vehicle exceeding a tion that the speed permitted ttted by
<br /> maximum gross weight of three State Law outside of business and A. A vehicle or part thereof
<br /> tuns coming from a 'Truck Route " residence districts as applicable which is completely enclosed with -
<br /> having ingress and egress by direct upon the following streets Is great- In a building in a , lawful manner
<br /> route to and from -restricted streets er than is reasonable or safe under where it is not visible from •the
<br /> when necessary for the , purpose of f the conditions found to exist upon street or other public or privets
<br /> making pickup or deliverlea al. such streets, and It is hereby de- property; or
<br /> goods, wares an d merchandise from Glared that the prima facie speed B. A vehicle -or art thereof
<br /> or ed any building aV etreet lo- limit shall be as herein set forth which is -stored or parked in a law - or
<br /> cat on such redricted streets or
<br /> he those parts of streets ful manner on private. property in
<br /> for the purpose >f delivering ma- herein designated d when signs are connection with the business of a
<br /> terials to be used to the actual and erected giving notice thereof: licensed dismantler, licensed ve-
<br /> bona fide repair, alteration, remold
<br /> A. Santa Rita Road. On Santa hide dealer, a junk dealer, or when
<br /> Ming or construcion of any build- Rita Road for southbound traffic such storage or parking is neces-
<br /> fng or structure upon such restrict- only from 100 feet north of the sary to the operation of a 1alvrullY
<br /> ed streets for which a building per- northerly dine of Valley Avenue conducted business or commercial
<br /> mit has prevlouely been obtained southerly to 100 feet south of the enterprise,
<br /> therefor. extended centerline of Wells Street, Nothing in this section shall au-
<br /> Section • 5.6.03 -The provisions of the speed limit shall he 36 miles per thorlze the maintenance of a public
<br /> this article shall not apply to (1) hour, or private nuisance as defined un-
<br /> passenger 'puses under the jails- B Santa Rite Road. On Santa der provisions of law other than
<br /> diction of the Public Utilities Com- Rita Road, for southbound traffie Chapter 10 (commencing with Sec -
<br /> mission, (2) any vehicle owned by only, from 100 feet south of the Lion 22660) of Division 11 of :the
<br /> a. public utility wide necessarily in extended centerline oP Wells Street Vehicle Code and this Article.
<br /> use in the construction, Installation southerly to the Western Pacific Section 6 -7.05 Other Remedies.
<br /> or repair of any public utility, (3) Railroad right -of -way, the speed This Article Is not the exclusive
<br /> school buses while carrying stud limit shall be 25 miles per ,hour. regulation of abandoned, wrecked,
<br /> dents to and from school, or (4) C Santa Rita 8oad On Santa dismantled or Inoperative vehicle*
<br /> Rita Road, for northbound traffic
<br /> pickup trucks. within the City It shall supplement
<br /> ArE 9 only, from the Western Pacific and be In addition to the other reg-
<br /> L,OMMIIppRr Railroad right -of -way northerly to ulatory codes, statutes, and ordt-
<br /> PBOIYSIT PROM DSINO [. VEHICLES i 50 feet south of the extended peed nances heretofore or hereafter en-
<br /> CERTAIN STREETS limit shall of Graham Street, -the speed acted by the City, the State, or any
<br /> Section 6 -5,06 MI streets other limit shall be miles per hour, other legal entity or agency having
<br /> D. Santa Rita road. On Santa
<br /> than those described as "Truck Rita Road, for northbound traffic, t 5-7.06 Bafo vded t. Ex-
<br /> by declared to Section in be nn cept the 5-5.01 are here- only, from 50 feet south of the ex- as otherwise provided
<br /> by declared to be streets the use of tended centerline of Graham Street the provisions of this Article shall
<br /> Which Is prohibited by any eommer- northerly to 100 feet north of Vol- the administered and enforced by be OM vehicle. exc except -when necessary ley Avenue, the speed limit shall the Chief of Police. In the enforce -
<br /> for the purpose of making pickups be 35 miles per hour.
<br /> or deliveries of goods, wares and E. Sunol Boulevard. On Sunol meet is this 'Ani such officer of
<br /> merchandise from or to any build- Boulevard, from Pico Avenue south- and his deputies may enter upon
<br /> Ing or structure located on such re- private n ee or public property a ex-
<br /> ee rl a point M 6 feet north , the amine oe a vehicle or parts thereof, d streets t for The purpose centerline of Mission Drive, the or obtain information ee to
<br /> of delivering materials to used speed limit shall be 35 miles per
<br /> in the actual and bona fide repair, hour, identity is a vehicle declared is
<br /> alteration remodeling or construe- F. Sunol Boulevard On Sunol Ile a nuisance pursuant to this
<br /> Ur of Article. y building or structure Rq ev f ;sm a rat d�p teat Section 6 -7.07 Praaohi.e. When 'upon such rests' oted streets for a Mission the Cit Council has contracted
<br /> which a building permit has prevf- Y 1 ously beep obtained therefor. The with or granted a franchise to MW
<br /> City Traffic Engi leer Is authorized _ person or persona, such person or
<br /> and directed to erect and maintain LEGAL NOTICE persons shall be authorized to en-
<br /> appropriate signs as necessary to ter upon private property or public
<br /> Implement this Section of the Ordi- I - property to remove or cause the
<br /> nanee. Drive southerly to the Southern ren'ooval of a vehicle or parte there -
<br /> The provisions of this Section Pacific Company railroad right -of- of declared to be a nuisance pareu-
<br /> shall not apply tc: I w for those portions of Sunol ant to this Article.
<br /> 1. Passenger Jas es under the Boulevard within the City Limits, Section 6 -7,08 Costa The City
<br /> jurisdiction of the Public -Utilities the speed limit shall be 45 miles per Council shell from time to time de-
<br /> Commission- hour, termini and fix an amount to be
<br /> 2. Any Vehicle awned by a public assessed as administrative costs
<br /> utility while necessarily in use in under this Article.
<br /> the construction, installation or re-
<br /> pair of any public utility.
<br /> 3. School buses while carrying
<br /> students to and from school.
<br /> 4. Pickup trucks.
<br />