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<br />r Brent Wilcox, 3988 Stanley Blvd., stated that he is representing Mary Lu Wilcox. He noted his <br />opposition for the extension of Del Valle Parkway to "Little" Stanley, citing the impacts on the <br />residents on "Little" Stanley and the congestion on the north end of Main Street. <br /> <br />Gary Dove, 5267 Meadowwood Court, advised that as a member of the Downtown Specific Plan <br />Committee he supports the staff report. He stated that as the Chairperson for the Downtown <br />Master Trails plan and his involvement with the Downtown Revitalization Program, he feels he <br />has clearly heard the issue of the train. He noted that he voted for Measure DD, but it was for a <br />conceptual plan. He noted that there were many unanswered questions. Mr. Dove advised that <br />the PLA does not have the funds to purchase the right-of-way and are asking the City to buy it. <br />He noted that he is strongly opposed to taking this issue back to the voters, because of the time <br />frame it took this Committee and the previous Committee to go through all of the issues and still <br />have the same questions unanswered and it would not be fair to present this matter without a <br />complete understanding of it and all of the issues. He noted that the Specific Plan is good and it <br />something that is needed. <br /> <br />.r'" <br /> <br />Larry Dorn, 5150 Case Avenue, noted that he supports the issue of the train. He stated that the <br />Downtown area of Pleasant on is one of the nicest areas in California. He advised that because <br />the item before the Planning Commission is the Downtown Specific Plan he does not feel that <br />the discussion should include consideration of the train stopping south of Junipero, as this is not <br />what the meeting is about. He advised that if at a future time the railway can be completed into <br />the Downtown, he would be happy to see that. He stated that he feels the train will bring a lot of <br />people to the Downtown. <br /> <br />Pamela Hardy Alpert, Chair of the Downtown Specific Plan Committee, advised that as a result <br />of the Committee's hard work and a lot of input from the community, the Committee has <br />developed the Downtown Specific Plan and they are very proud of the document. She noted that <br />it represents a lot ofthought, evaluation, analysis, and testimony. She further noted that the <br />objectives of the Committee's review were to enhance and promote economic vitality, to expand <br />recreational activities in the Downtown area, preserve and protect historic buildings and <br />buildings of architectural merit, and to ensure that new development would be designed <br />consistent of the existing scale of the Downtown area. She stated that with respect to the main <br />issues in the staff report, she feels that she can speak on behalf of the Committee, and that the <br />Committee is in agreement with those issues and supports language that provides opportunity for <br />more flexibility with some of the specific recommendations. She further stated that there is <br />opposition to two of staffs recommendations: (1) the redesignation of325 Ray Street from High <br />Density Residential to Office; and (2) the redesignation ofthe two public buildings (the Veterans <br />Memorial Building and the Historical Society Museum) from the Committee's recommendation <br />of commercial to public. She advised that she feels the Committee's position on these two issues <br />is well documented in the report. <br /> <br />Art Dunkley, 239 Main Street, Suite E., advised that he would like to comment on what he sees <br />as a procedural issue regarding the review of the Downtown Specific Plan. He stated that the <br />train issue does a disservice to the Specific Plan, in that it has been such a concern to so many <br />people, that there has been very little input about everything else that is in the Specific Plan. He <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES <br /> <br />January 9, 2002 <br /> <br />Page 8 <br />