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STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br /> Engineering <br /> 89. A "Conditions of Approval" checklist shall be completed and attached to all plan checks <br /> submitted for approval indicating that all conditions have been satisfied. <br /> 90. The project applicant or developer shall comply with the recommendations of the <br /> project's geotechnical consultant. The project applicant or developer's geotechnical <br /> consultant shall review and approve all foundation, retaining wall, and drainage <br /> geotechnical aspects of the final development plans to ensure that the recommendations <br /> have been properly incorporated into the development. The consultant shall certify by <br /> writing on the plans or as otherwise acceptable to the City Engineer that the final <br /> development plan is in conformance with the geotechnical report approved with the <br /> project. <br /> 91. The project applicant or developer shall arrange and pay for the geotechnical consultant <br /> to inspect and approve all foundation, retaining, and wall and drainage geotechnical <br /> aspects of project construction. The consultant shall be present on site during grading <br /> and excavation operations. The results of the inspections and the as -built conditions of <br /> the project shall be certified in writing by the geotechnical consultant for conformance to <br /> the approved plans and geotechnical report and submitted to the City Engineer for <br /> review and approval prior to occupancy. <br /> 92. The project applicant or developer shall grant an easement to the City over those <br /> parcels needed for public service easements (P.S.E.) and which are approved by the <br /> City Engineer, or other easements, which may be designated by the City Engineer. <br /> 93. The project applicant or developer shall construct vertical P.C.C. curbs and gutters <br /> within this development unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. When the <br /> sidewalk is adjacent to the curb and gutter. they shall be poured monolithically. <br /> 94. All dry utilities (electric power distribution, gas distribution, communication service, Cable <br /> television, street lights and any required alarm systems) required to serve existing or <br /> new development shall be installed underground in conduit or in a joint utility trench. <br /> 95. Any damage to existing street improvements during construction on the subject property <br /> shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Engineer at full expense to the project <br /> applicant or developer. This shall include slurry seal, overlay, or street reconstruction if <br /> deemed warranted by the City Engineer. <br /> 96. This approval does not guarantee the availability of sufficient water and /or sewer <br /> capacity to serve the project. <br /> 97. A final parcel map shall be required to subdivide the property into the Phase I and Phase <br /> II developments. With the final parcel map, the project applicant or developer shall <br /> create easements for ingress /egress, drainage, and utilities between Phase I and Phase <br /> II subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. <br /> 98. There shall be no direct roof leaders connected to the street gutter or storm drain <br /> system, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. <br /> 24 <br />