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EXHIBIT A <br /> 04- ALA -84 PM 24.7 <br /> In City of Pleasanton <br /> At Vineyard Ave <br /> CONTROLLED ACCESS HIGHWAY AGREEMENT <br /> THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on this day of <br /> 20 by and between the STATE OF CALIFORNIA acting by and through the Department of <br /> Transportation (herein referred to as "STATE "), and the City of Pleasanton (herein referred to as <br /> "CITY "), <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> WHEREAS, the highway described above has been declared to be a controlled access <br /> highway by Resolution of the California Transportation Commission on December 11, 2003; and <br /> WHEREAS, a plan map for such controlled access highway has been prepared showing <br /> the proposed plan of the STATE as it affects streets of the CITY; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED: <br /> 1. CITY agrees and consents to the closing of CITY streets, relocation of CITY streets, <br /> construction of frontage roads and other local streets, and other construction affecting CITY <br /> streets, all as shown on the plan map attached hereto marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof by <br /> this reference. <br /> 2. STATE shall, in construction of the controlled access highway and at STATE'S <br /> expense, make such changes affecting CITY streets in accordance with the plan map attached <br /> hereto marked Exhibit A. <br /> 3. STATE agrees to acquire all necessary rights of way as may be required for <br /> construction, reconstruction or alteration of CITY streets, frontage roads, and other local streets, <br /> and CITY hereby authorizes STATE to acquire in its behalf all such necessary right of way. <br /> 4. It is understood between the parties that the right of way may be acquired in sections or <br /> units, and that both as to the acquisition of right of way and the construction of the controlled <br /> access highway projects, the obligations of STATE hereunder shall be carried out at such time <br /> and for such unit or units of the projects as funds are budgeted and made lawfully available for <br /> such expenditures. <br /> 5. CITY will accept control and maintenance over each of the relocated or reconstructed <br /> CITY streets, and the frontage roads, and other STATE constructed local streets on receipt of <br /> written notice to CITY from STATE that the work thereon has been completed, except for any <br /> portion which is adopted by STATE as a part of the controlled access highway proper. CITY will <br /> accept title to the portions of such streets lying outside the controlled access highway limits upon <br /> relinquishment by STATE. <br /> 1 <br />