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City of Pleasanton Climate Action Plan, CAP Format, Approach, and Content <br /> ATTACHMENT 1 <br /> Policies, Regulations, Plans and Legal <br /> Agreements that influence the Climate Action <br /> Plan <br /> Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). The current BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines, <br /> adopted in June, 2010, state that, for the purpose of determining the significance of GHG impacts in <br /> CEQA documents, proposed projects that are consistent with a "qualified climate action plan" would be <br /> considered less than significant. A qualified climate action plan is defined as including: <br /> • GHG Inventory for current year and forecast for 2020; <br /> • An adopted GHG reduction Goal for 2020; <br /> • Feasible reduction measures to reduce GHG emissions for 2020 to the identified target; <br /> • Inclusion of relevant measures from the AB 32 Scoping Plan; <br /> • Quantification of the reduction effectiveness of each measure; <br /> • Implementation steps and financing mechanisms, identification or responsible parties; <br /> • Monitoring and updating the inventory and reduction plan at least every 5 years; <br /> • Schedule of Implementation; <br /> • Certified CEQA document. <br /> Assembly Bill 32 (2006). AB 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, requires <br /> California to reduce State -wide greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. AB 32 directs the <br /> California Air Resources Board (ARB) to develop and implement regulations that reduce statewide GHG <br /> emissions. AB 32 requires ARB to adopt a quantified cap on GHG emissions that represents 1990 <br /> emissions levels, institute a schedule to meet the emissions cap, and develop tracking, reporting, and <br /> enforcement tools to ensure that the State achieves the required GHG emissions reductions. <br /> Climate Change Scoping Plan. The Climate Change Scoping Plan was approved by ARB in December <br /> 2008 and outlines the State's plan to achieve the GHG reductions required in AB 32. The Scoping Plan <br /> contains the primary strategics California will implement to achieve a reduction of 169 MMT CO2e, or <br /> approximately 28% from the State's projected 2020 emission level. <br /> Executive Order S- 03 -05. Executive Order S -03 -05 proclaims that California is vulnerable to the effects <br /> of climate change including reduced snowpack in the Siena Nevada Mountains, exacerbation of <br /> California's existing air quality problems, and sea level rise. To address these concerns, the executive <br /> order established targets for reducing GHG emissions to 2000 levels by 2010, to 1990 levels by 2020, and <br /> to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050 <br /> California Clean Air Act (1988). The standards containcd in this Act are more restrictive than parallel <br /> federal standards. The Act requires that each regulatory authority governing air pollutant emissions <br /> Al -1 <br />