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the interests of the Pleasanton community while meeting the housing <br /> needs of lower - income families. The City has agreed to satisfy the <br /> obligations set forth in this Settlement Agreement. The City has <br /> welcomed, and welcomes, the participation of Plaintiffs and Intervenor in <br /> all public processes relating thereto. <br /> 1.12 In July 2010, the Parties agreed in concept on a tentative settlement. That <br /> tentative settlement was memorialized by a Term Sheet and attachments <br /> thereto. Plaintiffs and Intervenor approved the Term Sheet and <br /> attachments on July 14, 2010; the City Council approved the Term Sheet <br /> and attachments on July 20, 2010. For purposes of reference, the Temi <br /> Sheet and attachments are attached hereto as Exhibit B. <br /> 1.13 The Parties desire to fully settle and resolve the merits of the Urban <br /> Habitat Litigation and General Plan/CEQA Litigation, without further <br /> litigation on the terms set forth herein. <br /> 2. DEFINITIONS <br /> 2.1 "DATE OF APPROVAL" means the first date on which all of the parties <br /> have executed this Agreement. <br /> 2.2 "PLAINTIFFS" means Urban Habitat Program and Sandra De Gregorio. <br /> 2.3 "INTERVENOR" means the People of the State of California, ex rel. <br /> Edmund G. Brown Jr. Attorney General. <br /> 2.4 "DEFENDANTS" and "CITY" may be used interchangeably herein, and <br /> mean the City of Pleasanton and its City Council. <br /> 2.5 "URBAN HABITAT LITIGATION" means the action filed by Plaintiffs <br /> on or about October 17, 2006 known as Urban Habitat Program, et al. v. <br /> City of Pleasanton, et al., Case No. RG 06 293831, in which the People of <br /> the State of California, ex rel. Edmund G. Brown Jr., Attorney General <br /> intervened on or about June 24, 2009. <br /> 2.6 "GENERAL PLAN" means the City's updated General Plan for the period <br /> 2005 -2025, adopted on or about July 21, 2009. <br /> 2.7 "GENERAL PLAN /CEQA LITIGATION" means the action filed by The <br /> State of California on or about August 21, 2009 known as People of the <br /> State of California, ex rel. Edmund G. Brown Jr., Attorney General v. City <br /> of Pleasanton, et al., Case No. RG 09 469878. <br /> 2.8 "HOUSING CAP" means the City's maximum housing buildout of 29,000 <br /> units within its Planning Area, as currently designated in Policy 24 and <br /> Programs 24.1, 24.2, and 24.3 of the Land Use Element of the General <br /> Plan of the City of Pleasanton. <br /> Settlement Agreement and Covenant Not to Sue - Page 3 of 15 2506199.1 <br />