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Hacienda Mixed Use Rezoning Initial Study <br /> of attenuation (lessening) is about six decibels (dBA) for every doubling of distance from a point <br /> source.' Average construction- related noise levels would generally be maintained below 80 dBA <br /> throughout project construction at distances of approximately 50 feet from the noise source. Distances <br /> of approximately 200 feet would generally maintain average noise levels below 70 dBA. Construction <br /> clue to implementation of the proposed zone change on the BRE project site and potentially on the <br /> Roche Molecular Systems site would cause temporary noise impacts on the nearby Siena housing <br /> development. The proposed zone change itself would not result in any construction or construction <br /> noise. <br /> Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations establishes uniform noise insulation standards for residential <br /> structures. Title 24 requires that residential structures (other than detached single- family dwellings) be <br /> designed to prevent the intrusion of exterior noise so that the noise level with windows closed, <br /> attributable to exterior sources, shall not exceed 45 dBA in any habitable room. In addition, the <br /> General Plan Noise Element includes standards for indoor and outdoor noise, when noise studies are <br /> required, and a requirement that noise mitigation is included as a condition of project approval. <br /> Residential development in areas with outside noise levels up to 75 dBA is conditionally allowed and <br /> would require an acoustical study and mitigation. Thus any residential development that might occur to <br /> implement the proposed zone change would be required to meet the noise standards of the General <br /> Plan. <br /> Development due to the proposed zone change would not include any activities that would result in <br /> excessive groundborne vibration or noise. The future residential and commercial land uses would not <br /> increase ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above existing ambient noise levels in the area. <br /> Construction and operational noise will be addressed in more detail, including any impacts on sensitive <br /> noise receptors, in the environmental review documents subject to the California Environmental QuabyAct <br /> at the time development plans are proposed for the project sites. In addition, vibration impacts from <br /> the nearby BART Station on proposed residential land uses will also be analyzed at that time. Mitigation <br /> measures, if warranted, would be included as part of that process. <br /> No Impact. The site is not in the vicinity of a private airstrip or within 2 miles of a public airport. <br /> Less Than <br /> Potentially Significant with Less Than No <br /> Significant Mitigation Significant Impact <br /> Impact Incorporation Impact <br /> 12. Population and Housing — Would the project: <br /> a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either X <br /> directly (for example, by proposing new homes and <br /> businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of <br /> roads or other infrastructure)? <br /> b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, X <br /> necessitating the construction of replacement housing <br /> elsewhere? <br /> c) Displace substantial numbers of people, necessitating the X <br /> construction of replacement housing elsewhere? <br /> 7 Thus 86 dBA at 25 feet would attenuate to 80 dBA at 50 feet, 74 dBA at 100 feet, 68 dBA at 200 feet and 62 dBA at 400 <br /> feet while 83 dBA at 25 feet would attenuate to 77 dBA at 50 feet, 71 dBA at 100 feet, and 65 dBA at 200 feet. <br /> 8 dbA = A weighted decibels. <br /> Draft, Subject to Revision 21 8/31/2009 <br />