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b. Energy efficient lamp technologies will be incorporated wherever possible. <br /> Mercury vapor will be avoided. Incandescent lights will be avoided unless <br /> they are integrated with a control mechanism that limits their operation time. <br /> The use of such lighting will help minimize impacts on reduced visibility of the <br /> night sky. <br /> c. All outdoor lighting will be equipped with devices that will direct lighting away <br /> from the Arroyo Mocho and outdoor lighting within 200 feet of the centerline of <br /> the arroyo will be of the minimum wattage required for the particular use and <br /> will be shielded and directed away from the corridor to the specific location <br /> intended for illumination (e.g., roads, walkways, or recreation fields) to <br /> prevent stray light spillover onto sensitive habitat. <br /> 9. Irrigation. The irrigation plans for the project will incorporate low flow irrigation <br /> head and /or drip irrigation with electric controllers set to water after 7:00 p.m. and <br /> before 10:00 a.m., and proper soil preparation for landscaped areas that includes <br /> a minimum of two inches of mulch and two inches of organic soil amendment, as <br /> recommended by a qualified landscape architect. <br /> 10. Pest Management Plan. An Integrated Pest Management Plan will be prepared <br /> for the site and implemented to minimize the risk of pollutants associated with <br /> landscape establishment and maintenance practices in surface water runoff and <br /> infiltration to groundwater. All Integrated Pest Management Plan guidelines will <br /> comply with California Department of Pesticide Regulation and Alameda County <br /> Agricultural Commissioner rules and regulations in regards to pesticide storage, <br /> use, transportation, reporting, and safety. The plan will encourage minimization <br /> and efficiency of chemical and fertilizer use. Because the receiving water has <br /> been listed as impaired by diazinon, diazinon use will be prohibited. <br /> The plan must be approved by the City Engineer prior to the beginning of <br /> occupancy. <br /> 11. Nesting Bird Survey. Prior to the beginning of tree removal or mass grading, <br /> between February 15 and August 15, including grading for major infrastructure <br /> improvements, an avian nesting survey will be conducted of all habitat within 350 <br /> feet of any grading or earthmoving activity. The survey will be conducted by a <br /> qualified biologist, as determined by the City, and occur no more than 21 days <br /> prior to disturbance. If no active nests are found, no further action is required. <br /> If active nests for special status avian species or raptor nests are found within the <br /> construction footprint, construction activities will be delayed within a minimum <br /> 500 foot buffer zone surrounding active raptor nests and a minimum 250 foot <br /> buffer zone surrounding nests of other special status avian species until the <br /> young have fledged. This buffer zone will not extend beyond the Staples Ranch <br /> site. The appropriate buffer can be modified by the City in consultation with <br /> qualified biologists and the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). No <br /> Conditions of Approval /PUD -80 <br /> Page 16 of 25 <br />