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ATTACHMENT2 <br /> IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UVERMORE, CALIFORNIA <br /> A RESOLUTION ESTABUSHING AIRPORT OPERATIONAL <br /> AND DEVELOPMENT POLICIES <br /> • <br /> The City's.General Plan states in Goal CIR-8 that the City will *support and protect safe <br /> and efficient aviation operations at the Airport'. In support of that goal and the City Council's <br /> desire to communicate its position on future Airport development, staff recommends that the <br /> Council support, to the extent feasible under federal law and the Cities Grant Assurances with <br /> the Federal Aviation Administration, the following policies to guide the Airport Advisory <br /> Commission and staff in the future development of the Airport: <br /> 1. Future development . at the Airport shall only occur in response to existing aviation <br /> demand. Whether demand mists shall be evaluated the <br /> Commission, and shall be based on tangible evidence, such as the Writers* Advisory <br /> hangar waking list, letters of interest or proposals to provide- essential aeronautical <br /> services to avoid the need for based aircraft having to fly to other airports to receive <br /> those services, or services determined to be supportive of the local community, such as <br /> law enforcement or emergency medical transport. <br /> 2. Redevelopment at the Airport shall only occur if the Commission <br /> determines that existing facilities are in need of significant r improvement, <br /> or replacement. <br /> 3. The City Manager, Public Works Director, and Airport Manager shall take no action to <br /> solicit or encourage development of a large scare, stand -alone air cargo operator at the <br /> Livermore Airport However, small- parcel air cargo services that serve only businesses <br /> and residences in the Tri- Valley region shall be encouraged to support the local <br /> economy and ensure economic vitality, and staff shall endeavor to establish this type of <br /> 4. The City does not intend to extend the existing runways, <br /> 5. The City will aggressively foster the reduction of aircraft noise through voluntary noise <br /> reduction efforts, especially during night hours. The City will participate In federal <br /> lobbying efforts to legislate the phase-out of high noise - producing jets. <br /> 8. In cooperation with otter Td- Valley Cities, the City will conduct periodic noise <br /> monitoring activities, and report these activities to local elected Boards at least once <br /> every two years, <br /> 7. The City win take necessary steps to enhance the Airport as the region's key disaster <br /> relief and recovery facility. <br /> 1 RESOLUTION N0.2010158 <br />