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SECTION 1. If any challenge to invalidate an action that violates Articles XIX, XIX A, or <br />XIX B of the California Constitution is successful either by way of a final judgment, settlement, <br />or resolution by administrative or legislative action, there is hereby continuously appropriated <br />from the General Fund to the Controller, without regard to fiscal years, that amount of revenue <br />necessary to restore the fund or account from which the revenues were unlawfully taken or <br />diverted to its financial status had the unlawful action not been taken. <br />SEC. 2. If any challenge to invalidate an action that violates Section 24 or Section 25.5 of <br />Article XIII of this Constitution is successful either by way of a final judgment, settlement, or <br />resolution by administrative or legislative action, there is hereby continuously appropriated <br />from the General Fund to the local government an amount of revenue equal to the amount of <br />revenue unlawfully taken or diverted. <br />SEC. 3. Interest calculated at the Pooled Money Investment Fund rate from the date or <br />dates the revenues were unlawfully taken or diverted shall accrue to the amounts required to <br />be restored pursuant to this section. Within thirty days from the date a challenge is successful, <br />the Controller shall make the transfer required by the continuous appropriation and issue a <br />notice to the parties that the transfer has been completed. <br />SEC. 4. If in any challenge brought pursuant to this section a restraining order or <br />preliminary injunction is issued, the plaintiffs or petitioners shall not be required to post a bond <br />obligating the plaintiffs or petitioners to indemnify the government defendants or the State of <br />California for any damage the restraining order or preliminary injunction may cause. <br />Section Nine. <br />Section 16 of Article XVI of the Constitution requires that a specified portion of the <br />taxes levied upon the taxable property in a redevelopment project each year be allocated to <br />the redevelopment agency to repay indebtedness incurred for the purpose of eliminating blight <br />within the redevelopment project area. Section 16 of Article XVI prohibits the Legislature from <br />reallocating some or that entire specified portion of the taxes to the State, an agency of the <br />State, or any other taxing jurisdiction, instead of to the redevelopment agency. The Legislature <br />has been illegally circumventing Section 16 of Article XVI in recent years by requiring <br />redevelopment agencies to transfer a portion of those taxes for purposes other than the <br />financing of redevelopment projects. A purpose of the amendments made by this measure is to <br />prohibit the Legislature from requiring, after the taxes have been allocated to a redevelopment <br />agency, that the redevelopment agency transfer some or all of those taxes to the State, an <br />agency of the State, or a jurisdiction; or use some or all of those taxes for the benefit of the <br />State, an agency of the State, or a jurisdiction. <br />Section Ten. Continuous Appropriations. <br />17 <br />