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consistent with the orderly achievement of local, regional and statewide goals for public transit, <br />mass transportation, transportation capital improvements, and street and highway <br />maintenance in a manner that is consistent with local general plans, regional transportation <br />plans, and the California Transportation Plan; <br />(3) Ninety days have passed since the publication of the report by the California <br />Transportation Commission. <br />(4) The statute enacted by the Legislature pursuant to this subdivision must be by a bill <br />passed in each house of the Legislature by roll call vote entered in the journal, two - thirds of the <br />membership concurring, provided that the bill does not contain any other unrelated provision <br />and that the revenues described in subdivision (a) are expended solely for the purposes set <br />forth in paragraph (2) of subdivision (b). <br />44) i1(1) An amount equivalent to the total amount of revenues that were not <br />transferred from the General Fund of the State to the Transportation Investment Fund, as of <br />July 1, 2007, because of a suspension of transfer of revenues pursuant to this section as it read <br />on January 1, 2006, but excluding the amount to be paid to the Transportation Deferred <br />Investment Fund pursuant to Section 63048.65 of the Government Code, shall be transferred <br />from the General Fund to the Transportation Investment Fund no later than June 30, 2016. <br />Until this total amount has been transferred, the amount of transfer payments to be made in <br />each fiscal year shall not be less than one -tenth of the total amount required to be transferred <br />by June 30, 2016. The transferred revenues shall be allocated solely for the purposes set forth <br />in this section as if they had been received in the absence of a suspension of transfer of <br />revenues. <br />(2) The Legislature may provide by statute for the issuance of bonds by the state or local <br />agencies, as applicable, that are secured by the minimum transfer payments required by <br />paragraph (1). Proceeds from the sale of those bonds shall be allocated solely for the purposes <br />set forth in this section as if they were revenues subject to allocation pursuant to paragraph (2) <br />of subdivision (b). <br />(f) This section constitutes the sole method of allocating, distributing, and using the <br />revenues described in subdivision (a). The purposes described in paragraph (2) of subdivision <br />(b) are the sole purposes for which the revenues described in subdivision (a) may be used. The <br />Legislature may not enact a statute or take any other action which, permanently or temporarily, <br />does any of the following: <br />(1) Transfers, diverts, or appropriates the revenues described in subdivision (a) for any <br />other purposes than those described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (b); <br />15 <br />