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BACKGROUND <br />The purpose of the measure, as set forth in the text of the measure (Attachment 2), is to <br />"conclusively prohibit the State from seizing, diverting, shifting, borrowing, transferring, <br />suspending or otherwise taking or interfering with revenues that are dedicated to <br />funding services provided by local government or funds dedicated to transportation <br />improvement projects and services." <br />The ballot initiative would: <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />Prohibit the state from taking, borrowing or redirecting local taxpayer funds <br />dedicated to public safety, emergency response and other vital local government <br />services (including redevelopment); and, <br />Close loopholes to prevent the taking of local taxpayer funds currently dedicated <br />to cities, counties and special districts; and, <br />Revoke the state's authority to borrow local government property tax funds or <br />divert local redevelopment funds; and, <br />Prevent state borrowing, taking or redirecting of the state sales tax on gasoline <br />(Prop 42 funds) and Highway User Tax on gasoline (HUTA) funds that are <br />dedicated to transportation maintenance and improvements; and <br />Prevent the state from redirecting or taking public transit funds; and <br />Add additional constitutional protections to prevent the State from taking <br />redevelopment funds or shifting redevelopment funds to other state purposes. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Supporting the resolution would be consistent with existing Council- adopted policy to <br />protect local revenues. On September 21, 2004, the City Council voted to support <br />Proposition 1A, a statewide measure that circumscribed the ability of the State to further <br />borrow local government revenues. The local government revenue protection measure <br />in 2004 (Prop 1A) and the transportation revenue protection measure in 2006 (Prop 1A) <br />included provisions that allow the State to borrow these funds during fiscal <br />emergencies. However, after several budget cycles, it has become apparent that these <br />borrowing provisions are negatively impacting local governments and transportation <br />services and becoming a standard budgeting mechanism for the State. Because the <br />State has had the authority to borrow local government and transportation funds, it has <br />created uncertainty for local governments to balance budgets. <br />The State has regularly diverted local government revenues to the detriment of <br />essential local services. In FY 2009 -10, the State is "borrowing" $4.4 million from the <br />City of Pleasanton's General Fund. (Please note: the City is participating in a <br />securitization program so there will be no service impact resulting from this current $4.4 <br />million Prop 1A loan to the State.) City officials have repeatedly made hard decisions to <br />balance their budgets during State take - backs, recessions and other economic <br />downturns by cutting expenditures and /or raising revenues. Local services will most <br />certainly be adversely impacted further if the State continues to find it easy to balance <br />its own budget on the backs of local governments. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />