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Ms. Rivera - Henderson noted that Pleasanton will be receiving an award for its willingness to <br /> work with the ADA and to provide as much assistance as possible. The award will be presented <br /> at the anniversary event. <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS AND OTHER MATTERS <br /> 23. Adopt a resolution reciting facts of the June 8, 2010 General Municipal Election <br /> concerning Measure D; Oak Grove Development Plan <br /> City Attorney Lowell stated that the Alameda County Registrar of Voters has canvassed the <br /> returns of all votes cast and has certified the election of June 8, 2010. He recommended <br /> adoption of the Resolution declaring the results of the election as required under the Elections <br /> Code. The number of votes cast in person was 6,631 and 11,731 mail -in ballots were received, <br /> for a total of 18,362 ballots cast out of 40,452 registered voters. Measure D received 8,174 <br /> (46.13 %) "Yes" votes and 9,544 (53.87 %) "No" votes. <br /> Mayor Hosterman opened the hearing to public comment. <br /> Karla Brown asked if there could be any existing illegal status that the development agreement <br /> could maintain after certification of the election. She said she previously came before the <br /> Council to request funds because the No on D campaign was short $1,700 and reported that <br /> through small donations, that shortcoming has been filled. <br /> Mayor Hosterman closed the item for public comment. <br /> Mr. Lowell stated that the effect of the voters rejecting the Oak Grove Development Plan is to <br /> render Ordinance No. 1961 of no further force and effect. By its own terms, Ordinance No. 1962 <br /> approving the Development Agreement provides that if Ordinance No. 1961 is set aside by <br /> referendum, Ordinance No. 1962 shall also be of no force and effect. He acknowledged that <br /> there is some question as to whether or not the Development Agreement itself is still in effect <br /> and that the definitive answer in this question may have to come from a court of law. Based on <br /> the clear intent of the City Council in including the poison pills provisions in both ordinances, the <br /> fact that the City Manager did not sign the Development Agreement until required to do so by a <br /> court, and statements made by both parties during litigation, he found the consistent extension <br /> of the City's position to be that the Development Agreement itself is of no force and effect. <br /> Councilmember McGovern said she has read the hearing transcriptions and the opposing side <br /> indicated more than once that they were aware the Development Agreement would be void if <br /> the project were overturned by referendum. Mr. Lowell confirmed there are statements to that <br /> effect in the record of the court proceedings. He said staff is aware of them and if it comes to the <br /> point of determining whether the Development Agreement is in effect, those issues would be <br /> raised and considered. <br /> MOTION: It was m/s by Hosterman /McGovern to adopt Resolution No. 10 -389 reciting facts of <br /> the June 8, 2010 General Municipal Election concerning Measure D; Oak Grove Development <br /> Plan. Motion passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers McGovern, Thorne, Mayor Hosterman <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: Councilmembers Cook- Kallio, Sullivan <br /> 24. Consider approval of a Tentative Agreement between the City of Pleasanton and Urban <br /> Habitat Public Advocates and Attorney General <br /> City Council Minutes Page 4 of 12 July 20, 2010 <br />