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their responsibilities in contributing to the attainment of the state housing goal, and <br /> to assure that counties and cities will prepare and implement housing elements <br /> which, along with federal and state programs, will move toward attainment of the <br /> state housing goal. (Govt. Code 65581.) <br /> In order to attain state housing goals, the Legislature prescribed that cities, <br /> including Pleasanton, maintain an inventory of land available for residential <br /> development (see Govt. Code 65583.2), and that cities must make available for <br /> residential development sufficient suitable land to accommodate its share of <br /> regional housing needs. (See, e.g., Govt. Code 65584.) Existing and projected <br /> regional housing needs are determined in the manner detailed in Government Code <br /> sections 65584.01 and 65584.02, and those regional needs are allocated within the <br /> various regions of the State by the council of local governments in each respective <br /> region. (See Govt. Code 65584.04, 65584.05 and 65584.06.) Here that council <br /> of governments is the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG). 1 <br /> A city's obligations under the Housing Element Law require it to implement <br /> programs to zone or rezone land to establish adequate sites to accommodate its <br /> Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) and must timely adopt a housing <br /> element with an inventory of sites which can accommodate a city's share of the <br /> regional housing need. (See, e.g., Govt. Code 65583, 65584.09, and 65588.) <br /> The RHNA allocated by ABAG to the City of Pleasanton in 2001 relating to <br /> the 1999 -2007 planning period is 5,059 units of housing. The RHNA allocated by <br /> 5 <br />