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place limits on the Pleasanton City Council and City government, prohibiting them <br /> from permitting the construction of more than 29,000 housing units from 1996 <br /> until the end of time. The only exception permitted by the Measure is that it may <br /> be amended, but only by a vote of the people.' It is the continuing validity of this <br /> housing cap that is one of the subjects of this action. <br /> Pleasanton Municipal Code Chapter 17.36, entitled Growth Management <br /> Program, includes section 17.36.060, which places annual limits on building <br /> permits for the construction of new housing units. This provision of the <br /> Pleasanton Municipal Code was modified about a month and a half before the <br /> hearing of the present Petition to allow an exception to the maximum number of <br /> building permits rule allowing an increase to the maximum amount, but only if the <br /> City is obligated to do so in order to meet its Regional Housing Needs'Allocation <br /> "RI-INA <br /> In 2003 the City of Pleasanton adopted its current Housing Element of the <br /> General Plan, Within that plan was an acknowledgment that "the amount of units <br /> projected from [all of] the City's residentially owned land would be short of the <br /> number required require to meet the city's aggregate share of regional needs...." <br /> (Housing Element, p. 35.) Also in that Housing Element is a plan to study (within <br /> The measure was amended by Measures PP and QQ in 2008 by public <br /> vote. Those measures reaffirmed the 29,000 units housing cap, reaffirmed that the <br /> City Council had no discretion to allow any waiver to the housing cap, and <br /> excluded in -law units and extended -stay motel rooms from the housing cap. <br /> 3 <br />