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density (approximately 50 units per acre) apartments adjacent to Stoneridge Mall Road <br /> and the new BART station Windstar development). Further, in October 2009, the City <br /> Council rezoned three parcels in Hacienda Business Park for Mixed Use with a minimum <br /> density of 30 units per acre. In the City's opinion, this rezoning provided for the <br /> remaining 521 units (the original requirement for 871 units, minus the 350 unit Windstar <br /> project) with some units remaining to apply to the next RHNA period. <br /> Notwithstanding these rezonings, which the City maintained addressed its obligation <br /> under Program 19.1, the Court determined that the rezonings were "illusory" and did not <br /> satisfy Program 19.1 or State law because they did not actually allow development to <br /> occur until after completion of a City Council established Hacienda PUD amendment <br /> process, that includes involvement of a 21- member Hacienda Task Force, which will take <br /> one year to complete. <br /> Regardless of the outcome of the current litigation, the City is still obligated to prepare a <br /> new Housing Element reflecting the new RHNA units. With the completion of the General <br /> Plan, staff intends to commence work on the project as soon as possible and anticipates <br /> a public process that will be complete within one year. The City will use the Housing <br /> Element planning process to discuss potential sites for higher density housing which will <br /> be required to meet the RHNA needs and to discuss changes to the City growth <br /> management program to address changes or elimination of the housing cap. <br /> Growth Management Program: <br /> In addition to the residential cap, as discussed above, the City has used several other <br /> tools to ensure the orderly growth and development of the City, including the <br /> implementation of a Growth Management Program. The Court recognized that the recent <br /> amendment of the Growth Management Ordinance removed any constraint to <br /> accommodating the City's share of regional housing need, and therefore, the use of this <br /> tool should not be impacted by the recent Court order, and may remain in effect. <br /> The City adopted its first growth management ordinance in 1978, designed to regulate <br /> the location and rate of new residential growth in a period of sewage treatment <br /> constraints and air quality concerns. The growth management program was modified <br /> following the comprehensive revisions to the General Plan in 1986 and 1996, and was <br /> modified again in October 2009 to allow the City Council to override the annual housing <br /> allocation in order to meet the City's RHNA. <br /> Currently, the Growth Management Ordinance: <br /> Establishes an annual limit for new residential units (with the exception described <br /> to accommodate our RHNA obligation); <br /> Requires the apportionment of new residential units to categories of projects (i.e. <br /> affordable projects; major projects; first -come, first served projects); and, <br /> Describes a process for obtaining an allocation under the program. <br /> In recent years, as fewer large residential development sites are available, and the <br /> number of residential units seeking building permits became significantly lower than the <br /> Page 8 of 11 <br />