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Based on these criteria, the housing units assigned for Pleasanton during this RHNA <br /> period are as follows: <br /> 2007 -2014 REGIONAL HOUSING NEEDS ALLOCATION FOR PLEASANTON <br /> RHNA ALLOCATIONS <br /> Household Income Categories Pleasanton Alameda Co. ABAG Region <br /> Very Low Income (50% AMI) 1,076 10,017 48,840 <br /> Low Income (80% AMI) 728 7,616 35,102 <br /> Moderate Income (120% AMI) 720 9,078 41,316 <br /> Above Moderate Income 753 18,226 89,242 <br /> TOTAL 3,277 44,937* 214,500 <br /> Detail of allocation in Alameda County is included as Attachment 4. <br /> One point to bear in mind regarding the City's RHNA allocation is that the City is required <br /> to plan for this number of units, that is, to have residential zoning that will accommodate <br /> it, but is under no obligation to commit public resources or to actually build that number of <br /> residential units. Another point is that, in accordance with the State Housing Element <br /> Law, any ordinance, policy, voter approved measure, or standard of a city or county that <br /> directly limits the number of residential building permits issued by a city or county shall <br /> not be a justification for a determination or a reduction in the share of a city or county <br /> regional housing need. In addition, Housing Element Law states that adjustments can be <br /> made for lack of sewer and water service due to federal or state laws, regulatory actions <br /> or supply distribution decisions made by a sewer or water provider other than the local <br /> jurisdiction that preclude the jurisdiction from providing the necessary infrastructure for <br /> additional development during the planning period. As a result, based on the above, the <br /> City is required to plan for 3,277 housing units in the income categories noted above <br /> during this RHNA period. As mentioned previously, assuming the zoning for these units, <br /> the City's housing cap situation would be as follows: <br /> 2007 -2014 RHNA IMPACT ON CITY'S HOUSING CAP <br /> Pleasanton Housing Cap 29,000 <br /> Existing Housing Units 25,964 <br /> Housing Units Under Construction 44 <br /> Planning Approval but not yet <br /> constructed 653 <br /> Hacienda Business Park Rezonings 870 <br /> Total Constructed and Planned Units 27,531 <br /> Difference between total constructed <br /> and planned units and 29,000 1,469 <br /> 2007 -2014 RHNA Requirement 3, 277 <br /> Total Units with 2007 2014 RHNA 30,808 <br /> Units Over the Cap with 2001 -2014 <br /> RHNA 1,808 <br /> Page 6of11 <br />