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EXHIBIT A <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON, <br /> APPROVING ENHANCEMENTS TO EXISTING NON DISCRIMINATION HOUSING <br /> POLIICIES <br /> WHEREAS, in 2003, the Pleasanton City Council adopted a Housing Element; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City's Housing Element includes goals and programs that prohibits <br /> discrimination to housing opportunities in Pleasanton, including the goal of identifying and <br /> making special provisions for the community's special needs housing; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City is about to embark on an update to the existing Housing <br /> Element; and <br /> WHEREAS, through adoption of this resolution, the City Council reaffirms its <br /> position on housing non discrimination, and <br /> WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City Council to update its Housing Element goals <br /> and programs through study and consideration of adoption of additional goals and <br /> programs related to eliminating discrimination in the areas of affordable housing for <br /> families with children and senior citizens as part of its Housing Element update process. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON <br /> CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: <br /> SECTION 1. That the Council does hereby adopt the following Non Discrimination <br /> Policy: <br /> In recognition of State and Federal laws which prohibit municipalities from discriminating <br /> against developers of affordable housing, including non profit developers of affordable <br /> housing, and from discriminating against families with children in need of affordable <br /> housing, it is the official policy of the City of Pleasanton, that the City staff and the City <br /> Council will act affirmatively to promote the development of well- designed affordable <br /> housing for families with children in Pleasanton. The City Manager will report regularly to <br /> the City Council on the City's efforts to fulfill this policy, the success of those efforts, and <br /> plans and proposals to attract well- designed affordable housing for families with children in <br /> the future. <br /> SECTION 2. As part of its Housing Element update process the City will study and <br /> consider adoption of goals and programs promoting affordable non profit housing <br /> development for families, as well as for other special needs households, including <br /> strengthening existing programs to promote construction of affordable three bedroom units <br /> for large families and including the goal of building affordable family units and affordable <br /> senior units in proportion to the need for each. <br /> SECTION 3. As part of the Housing Element Update process, the City staff will <br /> conduct analysis and prepare information for review by the public and consideration of <br /> 7.20.2010. Final <br />