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Attorney's Fees <br /> City will pay $995,000 within 30 days of the settlement date and additional $995,000 no later than <br /> 30 days after July 1, 2011. <br /> CEQA <br /> City will conduct appropriate environmental analysis in accordance with CEQA guidelines for <br /> actions identified in this Settlement Term Sheet. <br /> Enforcement <br /> Develop an enforcement provision indicating the Court will retain continuing jurisdiction to <br /> effectuate the provisions of the Settlement Agreement until such time that the City has completely <br /> performed the terms of the Agreement. Petitioners and Intervenor shall give written notice to City <br /> regarding potential breach and the parties shall meet and confer within fourteen (14) business days <br /> of such notice before any party seeks judicial enforcement. <br /> Hacienda Rezonings (pertaining only to three sites zoned previously) <br /> 1. No later than November 2, 2010, the City Council will approve the second reading of an <br /> ordinance amending Ordinance 1998 to remove paragraph 5, PUD Modification Contingency. <br /> 2. Development Standards, Design Guidelines and Application Process <br /> A. Phase I Core Development Standards <br /> Within 120 days of the settlement date, the City Council will approve the following Core <br /> Development Standards: <br /> Density: Minimum 30 units per acre <br /> Affordability: <br /> Income Ranges: <br /> The greater of: (a) 15% of units of all units, or (b) 130 units, will be very low income (50% of <br /> AMI). Through the affordable housing agreements entered into between the City and each <br /> developer, affordable units will be deed restricted in perpetuity. The affordable housing <br /> agreements will be recorded and run with the land. <br /> Section 8 Rental Assistance Vouchers: <br /> The developments will be required by the affordable housing agreements entered into between <br /> the City and each developer to accept HUD Section 8 rental vouchers as a means of assisting <br /> qualified applicants. <br /> Affordability Unit Mix: <br /> 10% of the total affordable units will be 3 bedroom units <br /> A minimum of 35% of the total affordable units will be two bedroom units <br /> The remaining affordable units will be one bedroom units <br /> Location of Affordable Units: <br /> All affordable units will be dispersed throughout the development. <br /> B. Phase II Non core development standards and Design Guidelines <br /> Within 180 days of the settlement date, the City will develop non -core development standards and <br /> Design Guidelines for the three Hacienda sites that are not inconsistent with the Core development <br /> standards. <br /> 7.20.2010. Final <br />