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The new trees shall be planted in these areas, in addition to the trees planted within <br /> the building envelopes, and shall be maintained and replaced by the homeowner and <br /> irrigated with a drip- irrigation system for three years after the home is issued a <br /> temporary/final occupancy permit by the Building Division. <br /> 20. Utility services and irrigation lines shall be located outside of the root protection zones of <br /> the trees to be preserved. <br /> 21. The applicant shall retain the services of a certified consulting arborist to monitor the <br /> project site and the health of the trees to be preserved during construction and grading <br /> activity. A modified form of this condition applicable to the applicants of the individual <br /> lots shall appear in the design guidelines. <br /> 22. The Planning Division and the City Engineer shall be notified by the consulting arborist <br /> on -site of any damage that occurs to an existing tree designated to be preserved during <br /> construction so that proper treatment and /or replacement may be administered. <br /> Replacement shall be based on the trees' valuation and shall be administered as <br /> replacement trees or payment of funds to the City's Urban Forestry Fund, or both. A <br /> modified form of this condition shall appear in the design guidelines to address the <br /> existing trees on the private lots. <br /> 23. The applicant shall work with the Planning Division and the City Engineer, with the <br /> review of the tentative parcel map and preliminary improvement plans, to preserve the <br /> Tree Nos. 100, 101, 191, 192, 197, and 198 on Lot 4. <br /> CC &R and Disclosure Requirements <br /> 24. The applicant shall record CC &R's at the time of recordation of the parcel map, which <br /> shall create a Maintenance Association (MA) for the development. The CC &R's shall be <br /> subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney prior to recordation of the parcel <br /> map. <br /> 25. The CC &R's for the project shall prohibit the parking of boats, campers, recreational <br /> vehicles, motor homes, and trailers on all lots. <br /> 6 <br />