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Attachment 1: <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 10- <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON, <br /> RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ALLOCATION OF FEDERAL AND CITY FUNDS <br /> RELATIVE TO THE HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES GRANT (HHSG) AND <br /> COMMUNITY GRANT (CG) PROGRAMS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Pleasanton has established a Housing and Human <br /> Services Grant (HHSG) program that is funded through multiple federal and local <br /> sources and is intended to primarily benefit Pleasanton's low income population by <br /> providing funding for important housing and human services projects; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Pleasanton has also established a Community Grant <br /> (CG) program that is funded through local sources and is intended to address youth <br /> services and promote local arts and culture; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the use of local City funds (e.g., Lower <br /> Income Housing Funds for housing services and General Funds for human services) to <br /> supplement federal funds is an appropriate use under the guidelines specified for the <br /> HHSG program; and <br /> WHEREAS, at its meeting of May 18, 2010, the City Council reviewed the report <br /> of the Assistant City Manager regarding the proposed HHSG and CG program funding <br /> allocations for Fiscal Year 2010 -11; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br /> CITY OF PLEASANTON DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER <br /> THE FOLLOWING: <br /> SECTION 1. Council approves the overall funding program for the City's Housing <br /> and Human Services Grant (HHSG) and Community Grant (CG) programs for Fiscal <br /> Year 2010 -11 as depicted in Tables A and 8, including a total of $323,922 in CDBG <br /> funds, $240,000 in HOME funds, $170,000 in City General Funds for human services, <br /> $70,000 in City General Funds for arts /culture and youth, and $86,500 in City Lower <br /> Income Housing Funds. <br /> SECTION 2. Council authorizes the City Manager to enter into individual <br /> contracts with each agency receiving Pleasanton HHSG funding in FY 2010 -11 and to <br /> take all other necessary actions to carry out the HHSG and CG programs for <br /> FY 2010 -11. <br /> SECTION 3. City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this resolution and enter it <br /> into the book of original resolutions. <br /> Page 10 of 23 <br />