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Priority: Assist low and moderate income first time homebuyers. <br /> Priority Analysis and Obstacles to Meeting Underserved Needs <br /> The Alameda County HOME Consortium Housing Needs Analysis documented that a sizable <br /> proportion of low income households (80% of AMI) spend over 30% of their incomes on housing <br /> costs. Data for Pleasanton echo this statistic, as shown in the preceding Table 2, where it can be seen <br /> that 20% of all owner households pay over 30% of their income toward housing, while nearly 9% <br /> more pay over 50% of their income. This observation is partly due to the long -term trend of Bay <br /> Area household incomes not keeping pace with increasing rental and ownership costs. The gap <br /> between median incomes and median home prices is sizable. <br /> In 2009, according to HUD, the median household income (for a family of four) for Alameda County <br /> is $89,300, while the countywide median home price was $310,000 (DataQuick, 2009). Although <br /> this reflects a 37% decrease during the past five years countywide, median home prices in Pleasanton <br /> remained stable during the same period and actually saw a 1% increase. Consequently, in spite of a <br /> softening housing market, ownership housing has continued to remain relatively out of reach in <br /> Pleasanton since a low income household making $89,300 per year can only comfortably afford to <br /> purchase a home with sales price of $257,000 or less. <br /> As described above, sales prices for homes in Pleasanton are higher than the county average. Recent <br /> data on house sales compiled by Bay East Association of Realtors® indicate that the median sales <br /> price for single- family homes in Pleasanton was approximately $688,000 in 2009, while the median <br /> price for condominiums was $391,000. Trends in average and median house sales prices for the past <br /> several years are shown in Table 4: <br /> Table 4 Pleasanton House Sales Prices, 2009 <br /> Reprinted with permission of the Bay East Association <br /> of Realtors July 2009 (www bayeast org) <br /> Year Single Family Homes Condominiums <br /> Sales Avg. Med. Sales Avg. Med. <br /> 2009 270 $893,103 $688,000 77 $480,337 $391,000 <br /> (as of July) <br /> 2008 270 $1,064,371 $845,000 64 $496,578 $442,500 <br /> 2007 424 $1,117,938 $872,000 114 $552,100 $550,000 <br /> With the high cost of ownership housing, combined with a volatile market for housing financing, it is <br /> very difficult for even moderate income households to become homeowners. Initial down payment <br /> and closing costs, as well as high on -going mortgage and other costs, are significant barriers to <br /> homeownership. High rents in the area make accumulation of initial capital needed even more <br /> difficult. First time home buyers, who do not have the equity windfall from the sale of their previous <br /> home, face increasing costs. Younger working households are moving further out of the urban areas <br /> Strategic Plan FY2010 FY2014 <br /> City of Pleasanton <br /> Page 13 <br />