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As a point of comparison, Pleasanton's housing units for the last RHNA period were as <br /> follows: <br /> 1999 -2007 REGIONAL HOUSING NEEDS ALLOCATION FOR PLEASANTON <br /> RHNA ALLOCATIONS <br /> Household Income Categories Pleasanton Alameda Co. ABAG Region <br /> Very Low Income (50% AMI) 729 9,910 47,265 <br /> Low Income (80% AMI) 455 5,138 25,095 <br /> Moderate Income (120% AMI) 1,239 12,476 60,839 <br /> Above Moderate Income 2,636 19,269 97,544 <br /> TOTAL 5,059 46,793 230,743 <br /> CITY HOUSING ELEMENT <br /> State Planning and Zoning law requires each city and county government to regularly <br /> update its General Plan Housing Element. (A brief summary of Housing Element law is <br /> included as Attachment 5.)The State also mandates that each Housing Element address <br /> its share of the regional housing need (RHNA) as outlined above. The due date for cities <br /> to submit their Housing Elements for the 2007 -2014 RHNA period was June 30, 2009. <br /> Due to the complexities of this litigation, the City has not yet submitted it Housing <br /> Element for this period. <br /> As required by State Housing Law (Article 10.6 Housing Elements), the Housing Element <br /> adopted by the City of Pleasanton in April 2003 included an inventory of residentially <br /> designated land (lists and maps) and a summary table (Table IV -19A) comparing total <br /> built, approved and potential units with the above regional housing need. It showed then <br /> current zoning could not accommodate 871 of the total 5,059 units required by the 1999- <br /> 2007 RHNNA. To address this issue, our Housing Element included a Program 19.1 <br /> which states: <br /> Within one year of adoption of the Housing Element, complete land use studies to <br /> identify for conversion as many of the sites identified in Table IV -6 from non- <br /> residential to high density residential use as are necessary at appropriate densities <br /> (for example, approximately 30 acres at 30 units per acre or 40 acres at 20 units <br /> per acre) to meet the City's regional housing needs goal. Follow through with an <br /> appropriate modification to the Land Use Element and rezonings as soon as <br /> possible, but not later than 2004, so that implementation can occur within the <br /> planning period. <br /> It should be noted that the City's original Housing Element language did not include the <br /> one year time line because staff and the City Council were concerned that the rezonings <br /> could not be completed until an update to the General Plan was completed. However, the <br /> Department of Housing and Community Development rejected this concern and required <br /> inclusion of the one year time line. <br /> For various reasons, including work on updating the City General Plan, the rezonings <br /> were not completed within the year specified. However in October 2008, the City Council <br /> approved a General Plan amendment and a Planned Unit Development for 350 high <br /> Page 7 of 11 <br />