Grant 09 -16, Total Recycling Associates (TRA), Faster Better Trash Sorting at the Alameda County Fair,
<br /> Oakland, West County, $2,500.00 Continue to improve trash sorting at the Alameda County Fair.
<br /> Grant 09 -17, Farallones Marine Sanctuary Association, Gulf of the Farallones Visitor Center: Solar Powered
<br /> Water Cooler and Reusable Cups for the Public, San Francisco, West County, $3,000.00 Replace the sale of
<br /> plastic water bottles with a solar powered water cooler and reusable cups. This will greatly reduce the amount of
<br /> disposable waste generated by visitors, students, and teachers.
<br /> Grant 09 -27, Bay Farm Elementary School, Re- Usable Party Ware, Alameda, West County, $840.00 As part of
<br /> the effort to encourage zero waste and support the goals of Green School Challenge, Bay Farm Elementary Go Green
<br /> Committee is seeking funding for re- usable party ware for each classroom at Bay Farm School.
<br /> Grant 09 -29, North Oakland Community Charter School, Conserving and Composting, Oakland, West County,
<br /> $1,400.00 This grant will be used to expand the lunch food waste sorting program, and also setting up recyclable bins at
<br /> Linden Park which the school has adopted.
<br /> Grant 09 -30; Altamont Creek School, Greening at Altamont Creek: Composting Shed, Livermore, East County,
<br /> $2,500.00 Grant funds will be used to purchase and set up a garden storage shed and shade structure.
<br /> Grant 09 -31, Altamont Creek School, Greening at Altamont Creek: REUSE Shed, Livermore, East County,
<br /> $2,822.00 The grant will be used to purchase of a REUSE storage shed and bins to collect, store and access the
<br /> recyclables that are being collected for school projects. Bins will be labeled with bright, printed label and will be stacked
<br /> on shelving inside our school garden area.
<br /> Grant 09 -32, Alameda County Fair, Equipment needed at the Alameda County Fair, Pleasanton, East County,
<br /> $3,000.00 Funds will be used to purchase a 25 cubic yard steel roll -off box for recycling and containment of glass until
<br /> it can be hauled by an on demand contract roll -off trucker.
<br /> Grant 09 -33, Alameda County Fair, Equipment needed at the Alameda County Fair Additional toters,
<br /> Pleasanton, East County, $3,000.00 Purchase sixty, 65 gallon plastic carts in appropriate colors to manage the trash,
<br /> recyclables and compostables from the numerous stable staff.
<br /> Grant 09 -34, Total Recycling Associates, Support for Students attending the National Recycling Conference,
<br /> Oakland, West County, $3,000.00 Funds will be used to make it possible for (6) students to attend the National
<br /> Recycling Coalition annual congress.
<br /> Grant 09 -35, Franklin Elementary School, Environmental Justice Peacemakers, Oakland, West County,
<br /> $1,250.00 The project will assist in maintaining the Ecology Club at Franklin Elementary School. Funding will also
<br /> assist with providing incentives for the students, pizza parties, purchase recyclable food scrap bins for the cafeteria and
<br /> classrooms, and purchase bins for batteries.
<br /> Grant 09 -36, Marin Elementary School, ROT Garden Compost, Albany, West County, $3,000.00 Purchase
<br /> picnic tables, made of recycled plastic, to be used in the outdoor classroom and also serve as an example of what can be
<br /> created from recycling
<br /> Grant 09 -37, City of Dublin, City Parks Recycling, Dublin, East County, 2,946.00 Increase recycling visibility
<br /> and accessibility in the City's parks. Project will be implemented at 11 City parks, with a total of 30 additional recycling
<br /> containers. The goal of the project is to increase the recycling capacity and participation at the City's parks which will
<br /> also prevent waste and divert more materials from the City's waste stream.
<br /> Grant 09 -38, Chabot Space and Science Center, Enviro Camp, Oakland, West County, $3,000.00 Enviro Camp
<br /> will be comprised of two (2) one -week summer institutes for 7'" and 8 grade students. Funding would help to provide
<br /> stipends for (2) college interns to work with Chabot staff to prepare curriculum and activities for, and to deliver, two
<br /> weeks of Enviro Camp.
<br /> Grant 09- 39,Glenview Elementary, Sustainability of Food Scraps /Composting Program, Oakland, West County,
<br /> $3,000.00 Funds from this grant will be used to host a forum including stakeholders from other schools and Glenview
<br /> who are in the process of setting up their program, with the goal being to share knowledge and experiences, improve
<br /> ecological sustainability education for Glenview students, and replace the posts and signage of the 4 indoor and outdoor
<br /> recycling/composting trash stations with more durable waterproof ones.
<br /> Grant 09 -40, Canyon School, Community Service Recycling Leadership Project: Ecology in Action, Canyon,
<br /> West County, 53,000.00 Sixth, seventh, and eight grade students will deepen their understanding of the importance of
<br /> recycling and composting, and will provide leadership and role modeling in instituting a consistent recycling and
<br /> composting program for the school and community.
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