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Structural Changes Townhouse Rates <br /> However, similar to the Water Fund there are also structural changes that are needed in <br /> the local sewer rates. One such structural change was the change in rates for <br /> townhouses. Currently townhouses are charged a connection fee equal to single family <br /> homes. However, Pleasanton has erroneously charged this classification of customers a <br /> sewer rate equal to condominiums. DSRSD actually discovered this error during their <br /> rate study in 2008. Therefore, in order to be in compliance with our contracts with <br /> DSRSD the City must charge townhouses the same sewer rates as single family <br /> homes. <br /> Senior and Low I ncome Discounts <br /> As mentioned earlier in this report under the section Proposed Water Rate Increase, the <br /> City currently provides a 20% discount on water and sewer bills for residents who <br /> qualify as a "senior" (age 62 or older), and a 30% discount for residents who qualify as a <br /> low income family (those who qualify for PG &E, PacBell, or cable television discounts <br /> through either the California Department of Economic Opportunity or the Social Security <br /> Administration). The cost of these discounts in 2009 were water $330,260 and sewer <br /> $326,634 for a total of $656,894. <br /> In order to mitigate the impact of these discounts on the other rate payers and the <br /> General Fund, and to encourage conservation and meet the spirit of the discounts <br /> (which is to assist those on a limited fixed income) staff is recommending that the <br /> discounts only be given when a customer's bi- monthly water consumption does not <br /> exceed the second tier (i.e., 40Ccf). This would also apply to the sewer discount; <br /> therefore, a customer would only receive the water and sewer discount if their water <br /> consumption did not exceed the second tier (40 Ccf) during a bi- monthly billing period. <br /> This action also promotes conservation. <br /> The City currently offers the senior and low income discounts on the DSRSD and City of <br /> Livermore portion of a customer's sewer bill related to the regional treatment costs. As a <br /> result of this, the City had to pay to DSRSD and the City of Livermore last year <br /> approximately $290,000 to make them whole for these discounts allowed by Pleasanton <br /> to its customers. Staff is recommending that the City discontinue offering these <br /> discounts on this portion of the sewer bill for any customer due to the fact that these <br /> costs are directly related to another agency and are not the City's funds. These are <br /> pass- through costs which means these are costs of other agencies that provide a <br /> service to our customers where otherwise the customer would receive a separate bill <br /> from that agency. However, to be more efficient in billing the customer, the City sends <br /> one bill to the customer on behalf of all the agencies. Then monthly the City collects the <br /> monies from the customer and sends the monies to each agency for no additional cost <br /> to the agency or the customer. These agencies do not offer senior and low income <br /> discounts to their customers. <br /> Proposed Rates <br /> Table 9 presents the current bi- monthly local sewer bill and the proposed rates by <br /> customer classification as of August 1, 2010: <br /> Page 15 of 19 <br />