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Draft Youth Master Plan Strategies March 11, 2010 Attachment 3 <br /> Pleasanton Youth Master Plan Update <br /> Goal 1. Prepared Youth <br /> Children and youth are equipped with age- appropriate social, emotional, and educational skills and tools to manage their transition through their <br /> childhood and teen years into responsible young adulthood. <br /> Challenges <br /> Potential impacts on education from evolving economic conditions <br /> Career development, preparedness, and job availability <br /> Strategies Partnerships <br /> Build on and expand current programs and support services offered by the City, local youth- focused City Departments <br /> organizations, and schools and coordinate with classroom teachers to provide encouraging environments for Church groups /faith community <br /> children and youth. Local and regional businesses and <br /> Promote and increase awareness of existing local and regional social and educational programs and services business organizations <br /> including youth- oriented career programs and job fairs. Local non profit and youth- serving <br /> organizations <br /> Provide technical and vocational skill training and support for youth of all abilities entering the workforce to Pleasanton Unified School District <br /> support positive identity in youth and empowerment. Workforce agencies and organizations <br /> Work with local and regional organizations to develop internships, mentorships, training, and employment Youth development organizations <br /> opportunities for youth of all career tracks, interests, and abilities. <br /> Support efforts to develop programs to stimulate youth interest in business careers. <br /> Provide life skills training, emotional support, and learning opportunities for children and youth of all abilities <br /> and encourage a commitment to learning. <br /> Provide educational and training programs to serve children, youth, and adults of all cultural and ethnic <br /> backgrounds, including English -as -a- Second Language (ESL) classes. <br /> Develop programs targeted to reach high -risk children and youth who do not participate in existing support <br /> services. <br /> Youth Master Plan Update Draft Framework March 11, 2010 1 <br />