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Draft Youth Master Plan Strategies March 11, 2010 Attachment 3 <br /> Goal 6. Informed Youth and Adults <br /> Children, youth, and adults are well aware of the wide range of programs and services available through the City, school district, and other <br /> providers to meet their needs and help them make informed choices. <br /> Challenges <br /> Limited awareness of existing services <br /> Need for improved information source(s) and coordination <br /> Strategies Partnerships <br /> Develop an outreach strategy, in cooperation with local partners, to increase awareness of existing programs City Departments <br /> for children, youth, and families in Pleasanton. Local non profit and youth- serving <br /> organizations <br /> Explore and evaluate methods to centralize information about the availability of resources, programs, local Local and regional businesses and <br /> activities, events, and services for children, youth, and families of all ages. business organizations <br /> Evaluate the effectiveness of current distribution of the City Activities Guide to all households; consider Pleasanton Unified School District <br /> redirecting resources to electronic distribution, alternate marketing formats, and distribution of print copies Social service agencies <br /> through partner organizations to reach children, youth, and adults of different abilities and cultural Volunteer organizations <br /> backgrounds. <br /> Increase usage of local cable channel, websites, and social networking applications, such as Twitter and <br /> Facebook, to help promote services for children, youth, and families. <br /> Youth Master Plan Update Draft Framework March 11, 2010 6 <br />