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c U s 1 Attachment 1 <br /> CONTINENTAL L <br /> TAL UTIITY SOLUTIONS, INC. <br /> CONTINENTAL UTILITY SOLUTIONS, INC. <br /> SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT <br /> THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT "Agreement is made as of March 19, 2010, 2010 (the "Effective Date by and between CONTINENTAL <br /> UTILITY SOLUTIONS, INC., a Delaware corporation with offices at 300 South Church Street, Suite 200, Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401 "CUSI and the party <br /> identified below (the "Licensee <br /> Licensee Contact Information: <br /> Name: City of Pleasanton Contact: Nelson Fialho <br /> Address: 3333 Busch Road Title: City Manager <br /> P.O. Box 520 Phone: (925)931 -5509 <br /> Pleasanton, California Fax: (925)931 -5595 <br /> 94566 -0802 <br /> Licensee desires to obtain a license to use in its own business operations certain proprietary software of CUSI. This Agreement sets forth the terms and <br /> conditions under which CUSI will provide to Licensee the Licensed Software, as well as related Technical Support Services. <br /> 1. DEFINITIONS. As used in the Agreement or in any Exhibit hereto: Agreement, the parties shall execute a mutually agreed upon written <br /> Sales Order. No additional terms of an order submitted by Licensee or <br /> 1.1 "Client Access License" means a license to enable a single terms of such an order that are inconsistent with the terms of this <br /> workstation to connect to the Licensed Software as a client. Agreement will be binding on CUSI unless CUSI expressly agrees to the <br /> 1.2 "Confidential Information" means all trade secrets, business applicability of such terms in writing signed by an authorized officer of <br /> and financial information, computer software and documentation, CUSI. <br /> machine and operator instructions, business methods, procedures, 2.3 Restrictions On Use. Licensee acknowledges that the <br /> know -how, and other information that relates to the business or Licensed Software and its structure, organization, and source code <br /> technology of either party. constitute valuable trade secrets of CUSI and its suppliers. Except as <br /> 1.3 "Documentation" means the user guides, manuals and expressly permitted by this Agreement, Licensee agrees that Licensee <br /> associated documentation provided to Licensee along with the Licensed shall not, and shall not permit any third party, to: (a) reproduce, modify, <br /> Software. adapt, alter, translate, or create derivative works of the Licensed <br /> Software or the Documentation; (b) sublicense, distribute, sell, use for <br /> 1.4 "Fees" means, collectively, the license fees and Technical service bureau use, lease, rent, loan, or otherwise transfer the Licensed <br /> Support Services fees. Software or the Documentation to any third art <br /> y party; (c) reverse engineer, <br /> 1.5 "Licensed Software" means CUSI's computer software decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code <br /> program Utility Management Solution.NET (UMS.NET), a customer for the Licensed Software; (d) remove, alter, cover or obfuscate any <br /> information system and billing application for the management of copyright notices or other proprietary rights notices included in the <br /> customers, metered services and physical assets associated with a Licensed Software; or (e) otherwise use or copy the Licensed Software <br /> utility, any modules, add -ons or interfaces, and any modified, updated or except as expressly permitted under Section 2.1. <br /> enhanced versions of such programs that CUSI may provide to Licensee 2.4 Reservation of Rights. As between the parties, the Licensed <br /> pursuant to the Technical Support Services. Software and Documentation, and all worldwide intellectual property <br /> 1.6 "Sales Order" means collectively the documents documenting rights therein, are the exclusive property of CUSI and its licensors. All <br /> the Licensed Software and services purchased by Licensee from time to rights in and to the Licensed Software not expressly granted to Licensee <br /> time. in this Agreement are reserved by CUSI and its licensors. CUSI shall <br /> have the unrestricted right to use or act upon any suggestions, ideas, <br /> 1.7 "Service Location" means the location or delivery point to enhancement requests, feedback, recommendations or other information <br /> which a metered service is provided by Licensee that is managed by the provided by Licensee or any other party relating to the Licensed <br /> Licensed Software. Software to the extent it does not constitute Confidential Information of <br /> 1.8 "Site(s)" means the physical location(s) at which Licensee is Licensee. <br /> entitled to use the Licensed Software. 3. DELIVERY, ACCEPTANCE AND INSTALLATION. CUSI will deliver <br /> 1.9 "Technical Support Services" means those technical support the Licensed Software to Licensee as mutually agreed to by the parties. <br /> and application maintenance services provided by CUSI to Licensee with Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties in a separate professional <br /> respect to the Licensed Software. services agreement, Licensee will be solely responsible for installing and <br /> integrating the Licensed Software on its computers and with its systems <br /> 2. LICENSE GRANT AND OTHER RIGHTS. as permitted under this Agreement. The Licensed Software will be <br /> 2.1 Software License Grant. Subject to the terms and conditions deemed accepted upon delivery. <br /> of this Agreement, CUSI grants to Licensee a perpetual, non exclusive, 4. TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES. Subject to Licensee's <br /> non transferable license to: (a) install and use the Licensed Software in payment of all applicable Technical Support Service fees, CUSI shall <br /> executable form only on Licensee's servers and workstations at the provide Licensee with those Technical Support Services described in <br /> Site(s), only for Licensee's internal business purposes, and subject to the ExhibitA attached hereto for the Licensed Software. <br /> number of Service Locations and Client Access Licenses specified in the <br /> Sales Order; (b) make one (1) copy of the Licensed Software solely for 5. TRAINING SERVICES CUSI will provide the training services <br /> backup or archival purposes; and (c) copy and reproduce the defined in the applicable Sales Order. Licensee will be invoiced <br /> Documentation provided to Licensee solely for the purposes of separately for any travel related expenses incurred by CUSI employees <br /> facilitating Licensee's use of the Licensed Software. in connection with any such training services. <br /> 2.2 Additional Client Access Licenses and Service Locations. 6. FEES AND PAYMENT. <br /> If Licensee wishes to order additional Client Access Licenses or licenses 6.1 Fees. Alt Fees are specified in the original Sales Order and <br /> for Service Locations in addition to the licenses granted in this any subsequent Sales Orders executed by both parties. <br />