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Exhibit "D" <br />City/GRAD shall accept, in perpetuity four hundred ninety-seven (497) <br />acres of the Project Site (the "Open Space"), as shown on the Oak Grove <br />Planned Unit Development Plan. With the recordation of the first final map <br />for the Project, City shall grant an easement over the Open Space to the Tri <br />Valley Conservancy or other entity reasonably acceptable to the City to <br />protect the Open Space as permanent open space. <br />(b) Prior to the sale of the fifth lot, Developer shall construct within the Open <br />Space (a) a regional trail along the entire eastern boundary of the Project <br />Site, as shown on the Oak Grove Planned Unit Development Plan (the <br />"Regional Trail"), (b) class A and class C trails as shown on the City's <br />Master Trails Plan ("the Local Trails"), and (c) a staging area for the <br />Regional Trail and the Local Trails, which staging azea shall include a <br />restroom, potable water and water trough, and an area for pazking eleven <br />vehicles, as shown on the City's Master Trails Plan ("the Staging Area"). <br />The precise location of the Regional Trail, the Local Trails, and the Staging <br />Area shall be determined by the City prior to recordation of the first final <br />map for the Project. <br />(c) Developer shall dedicate land for, and construct, fire access roads, as shown <br />on the Oak Grove Planning Unit Development Plan, or in such other location <br />(or locations) as reasonably acceptable to the City. The dedication shall <br />occur with the recordation of the first final map for the Project. One fire <br />access road will form a loop continuing the driveway from "A" Street past <br />Lot 51 to connect to the existing water tank access road within the Kottinger <br />Ranch subdivision, will be 20 feet in width and will be composed of crushed <br />granite or other similaz materials capable of supporting a type 3 fire vehicle. <br />. The other fire access road will connect to the City's existing access <br />easement (as said easement may be relocated) within the Grey Eagle Estates <br />subdivision. This latter fire access road will involve improving an existing <br />access and public service easement (granted to the City) and will connect the <br />cul de sac o Grey Eagle Court to the Project property line as follows: From <br />the cul de sac, the existing improvements (which extend about 130 feet) <br />shall remain as constructed; from the end of those improvements, the <br />easement may be relocated to accommodate a proposed driveway and <br />residence on the Roberts' property. This easement (if so relocated) shall <br />serve, in part, as a driveway to the proposed Roberts' residence. This <br />portion of the easement, the location of which must be acceptable to the City <br />and Roberts, shall be 20 feet wide and be an all weather surface to the extent <br />it serves as a driveway. Developer shall bear the incremental cost to <br />increase the width of the driveway from 14 feet to 20 feet. The remaining <br />portion of the easement (about 120 feet in length) that connects the <br />easement/driveway to the Project property line shall be in a location <br />acceptable to the City and Roberts, shall be 12 feet in width and shall be <br />improved with a surface material acceptable to City and Roberts. Developer <br />shall beaz the incremental cost to increase the structural integrity of this <br />54393\84008v3 <br />