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5. All applications, letters, testimony, and presentations relating to the Project. <br />6. All information, including written evidence and testimony, presented at any City <br />hearing or City workshop related to the Original Project, the Environmentally <br />Superior Project, and the EIR. <br />7. All City-adopted or City-prepared land use plans and ordinances, including <br />without limitation, the General Plan, specific plans, and ordinances together with <br />the attending environmental review documents, findings, mitigation monitoring <br />programs, and other documents relevant to planned growth within the area. <br />8. The Mitigation Monitoring and Implementation Program for the Environmentally <br />Superior Project that is prepared and submitted to the City. <br />9. All other documents composing the record pursuant to Public Resources Code <br />Section 21167.6(e). <br />The documents and other referenced materials are located at the City of Pleasanton, <br />123 Main Street, Pleasanton, California 94566. <br />Severability <br />If any term, provision, or portion of these Findings or the application of these Findings to <br />a particular situation is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or <br />unenforceable, the remaining provisions of these Findings, or their application to other <br />actions related to the Oak Grove Planned Unit Development, shall continue in full force <br />and effect unless amended or modified by the City. <br />V. FINDINGS FOR ALTERNATIVES EVALUATED IN THE EIR <br />During the preparation of the EIR for the Original Project, the City evaluated several <br />alternatives. A description and a finding for each alternative are presented below. As <br />stated above, the City of Pleasanton has elected to approve Alternative 4, the <br />Environmentally Superior Alternative. Following is a discussion of the alternatives <br />considered. <br />Alternative 1 -Site Plan Alternative #1 <br />Description <br />Alternative 1 reduces the portion of the site that would be developed while retaining the <br />total of 98 homes. This Alternative would contain 70 lots for custom homes and replace <br />several Original Project lots with seven four-plex structures containing 28 residential <br />units. The Court 5 lots south and southwest of the intersection of Street A with Court 4, <br />together with associated roads and other site improvements, would be eliminated, and <br />the road designed to provide access to the new water tank would be widened and <br />Exhibit A Page 4 of 45 Ordinance No. 1961 <br />PUD-33, Oak Grove <br />