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e. Install filter materials (such as sandbags, filter fabric, etc.) at the storm drain <br />inlet nearest the downstream side of the project site in order to retain any <br />debris or dirt flowing in the storm drain system. Maintain and/or replace filter <br />materials to ensure effectiveness and to prevent street flooding. <br />f. Create a contained and covered area on the site for the storage of bags, <br />cement, paints, oils, fertilizers, pesticides, or other materials used on the site <br />that have the potential of being discharged into the storm drain system <br />through being windblown or in the event of a material spill. <br />g. Never clean machinery, equipment, tools, brushes, or rinse containers into a <br />street, gutter, or storm drain. <br />h. Ensure that concrete/gunite supply trucks or concrete/plaster operations do <br />not discharge wash water into street, gutters, or storm drains. Provide a <br />designated area for the rinsing/cleaning of concrete/gunnite trucks and <br />equipment. <br />The CC&Rs covering Lots 1 through 51 shall include the above statements. <br />Urban Stormwater Operation Requirements <br />85. All projects, unless otherwise determined by the City Engineer or the Chief <br />Building and Safety Official, shall enter into a recorded Stormwater Treatment <br />Measures Inspection and Maintenance Agreement (STMIMA) for ongoing <br />maintenance and reporting of required stormwater measures. These measures <br />may include, but are not limited to: <br />a. An HOA or GHAD shall be responsible for maintaining all bio-swales and <br />detention ponds to be located in the open space areas and any other <br />stormwater treatment measures determined to be required by the City <br />Engineer. The association shall be composed of Lots 1 through 51. These <br />maintenance responsibilities shall include implementing the maintenance <br />plan, which is attached to the Stormwater Treatment Measures Inspection <br />and Maintenance Agreement. This document shall be reviewed by the City <br />Attorney's Office and shall be recorded with the final map. <br />b. All storm drain inlets shall be clearly marked and maintained with the words <br />"No Dumping - Drains to Bay." <br />c. Ensure wastewater from vehicle and equipment washing operations is not <br />discharged to the storm drain system. <br />d. The CC&Rs covering Lots 1 through 51 shall include these statements: <br />• No person shall dispose of, nor permit the disposal, directly or indirectly, of <br />vehicle fluids, hazardous materials or rinsewater from cleaning tools, <br />equipment or parts into the private, on-site storm drains. <br />Exhibit 8 Page 35 of 39 Ordinance No. 1961 <br />PUD-33, Oak Grove <br />