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• Private and common area landscaping shall be designed, planted, and <br />maintained in conformance to the "Oak Grove Open Space & Common <br />Area Design Guidelines" dated March, 2007 prepared by Berger, Detmer, <br />Ennis Architects and M. D. Fotheringham, Landscape Architects, Inc., and <br />shall treat stormwater runoff wherever feasible. The plants used in the <br />stormwater runoff detention ponds in the open space areas shall be <br />tolerant of saturated soil conditions and prolonged water exposure. Soil <br />shall be amended as required. <br />• Plant materials selected shall be appropriate to site specific characteristics <br />such as soil type, topography, climate, amount and timing of sunlight, <br />prevailing winds, rainfall, air movement, patterns of land use, ecological <br />consistency and plant interactions to ensure successful establishment. <br />• Landscaping shall also comply with City of Pleasanton ordinances and <br />policies regarding water conservation. <br />The CC&Rs covering Lots 1 through 51 shall include the above statements. <br />d. Bulk construction materials stored outdoors that may contribute to the <br />pollution of storm water runoff shall be covered as deemed appropriate by the <br />City Engineer and/or the Chief Building and Safety Official as applicable. The <br />CC&Rs covering Lots 1 through 51 shall include this statement. <br />e. Prior to grading permit issuance the project developer shall submit a copy of <br />the State Water Resources Control Board Notice of Intent (NOI) for coverage <br />under the State Construction Storm Water General Permit for projects with <br />clearing, grading and excavation exceeding the current thresholds. <br />f. All metal roofs shall be finished with rust-inhibitive paint. The CC&Rs <br />covering Lots 1 through 51 shall include this statement. <br />g. Unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer, the roof drains for all <br />existing and future primary and accessory structures on Lots 1 through 51 <br />shall be connected to the development's storm drain system. The CC&Rs <br />covering Lots 1 through 51 shall include this statement. <br />Urban stormwater Construction Requirements <br />83. To address the potential degradation of water quality in nearby surface water <br />bodies by urban stormwater runoff from construction activities and <br />post-construction land uses, the project developer and future lot owners/ <br />contractors shall submit a stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for <br />review and approval by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading permits for <br />the subdivision and then building/grading permits for the individual lots. Failure <br />to comply with the approved construction SWPPP may result in the issuance of <br />correction notices, citations or stop work order. The following construction Best <br />Management Practices (BMPs), as well as any other applicable measure, shall <br />Exhibit 8 Page 33 of 39 Ordinance No. 1961 <br />PUD-33, Oak Grove <br />