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Exhibit "D" <br />select mutually agreeable legal counsel to defend such action or proceeding, <br />each party may select its own legal counsel at its own expense. <br />(b) The parties agree that this Section 9.01 shall constitute a separate agreement <br />entered into concurrently, and that if any other provision of this Agreement, <br />or the Agreement as a whole, is invalidated, rendered null, or set aside by a <br />court of competent jurisdiction, the parties agree to be bound by the terms of <br />this section, which shall survive such invalidation, nullification or setting <br />aside. <br />Section 9.02. Cure; Reapproval. <br />(a) If, as a result of any administrative, legal or equitable action or other <br />proceeding as described in Section 10.06, all or any portion of this <br />Agreement, Project Approvals, or Subsequent Approvals are set aside or <br />otherwise made ineffective by any judgment (a "Judgment") in such action <br />or proceeding (based on procedural, substantive or other deficiencies, <br />hereinafter "Deficiencies"), the parties agree to use their respective best <br />efforts to sustain and reenact or readopt this Agreement, Project Approvals, <br />and/or Subsequent Approvals that the Deficiencies related to, as follows, <br />unless the Parties mutually agree in writing to act otherwise: <br />(i) If any Judgment requires reconsideration or consideration by City of <br />this Agreement, Project Approval, or Subsequent Approval, then the <br />City shall consider or reconsider that matter in a manner consistent with <br />the intent of this Agreement. If any such Judgment invalidates or <br />otherwise makes ineffective all or any portion of this Agreement, <br />Project Approval, or Subsequent Approval, then the Parties shall <br />cooperate and shall cure any Deficiencies identified in the Judgment or <br />upon which the Judgment is based in a manner consistent with the <br />intent of this Agreement. City shall then readopt or reenact this <br />Agreement, Project Approval, Subsequent Approval, or any portion <br />thereof, to which the Deficiencies related. <br />(ii) Acting in a manner consistent with the intent of this Agreement <br />includes, but is not limited to, recognizing that the Parties intend that <br />Developer may develop the Project, and adopting such ordinances, <br />resolutions, and other enactments, including but not limited to a PUD <br />Development Plan, as are necessary to readopt or reenact all or any <br />portion of this Agreement, Project Approvals, and/or Subsequent <br />Approvals without contravening the Judgment. <br />(b) The parties agree that this Section 9.02 shall constitute a separate agreement <br />entered into concurrently, and that if any other provision of this Agreement, <br />or the Agreement as a whole, is invalidated, rendered null, or set aside by a <br />court of competent jurisdiction, the parties agree to be bound by the terms of <br />54393\84008v3 <br />