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2/11/2010 11:09:54 AM
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Mayor Hosterman stressed the Council's commitment to keeping the downtown area vibrant, <br /> clean, and inviting for pedestrian traffic. She appreciated the PDA's efforts to assist in <br /> developing a hospitality ordinance. She asked that, as the Council is essentially effectuating a <br /> good neighbor policy via these conditions, Vice -Mayor Thorne withdraw his request for Council <br /> support to address the noise ordinance until such time as the hospitality ordinance has been <br /> developed and is before the Council for discussion. <br /> Vice -Mayor Thorne said he had decided before her request to not ask that the applicant perform <br /> noise monitoring until such time as the hospitality ordinance has been adopted. He said he <br /> believed the current standards to be unrealistic and withdrew his initial request. <br /> MOTION: It was m/s by Hosterman/Thorne to approve staffs recommendation, as drafted. <br /> Mayor Hosterman acknowledged the argument that Redcoats owners and employees should be <br /> responsible for ensuring the cleanliness of additional sidewalk areas beyond the subject site. <br /> She said the current solution seems to be suitable and that the Council would be open to <br /> readdressing the matter in the future if need be. <br /> Councilmember Cook- Kallio requested clarification on the motion. <br /> Mayor Hosterman said she was requesting approval of the staff recommendation, including the <br /> additional conditions of approval submitted via memorandum. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan confirmed with staff that Condition of Approval No. 8 would permit <br /> police to respond to noise complaints with some sort of sound measuring device. He said he <br /> could support the motion as he believes the attached conditions to be in everyone's best <br /> interests. He did caution that care must be taken to balance the right to do business with the <br /> rights of residents. He said staff devised these conditions well and wished the same had been <br /> employed with Barone's Restaurant. He requested that staff return with a report, including police <br /> service call information, in 6 months to update the Council. He also noted he has heard the <br /> hospitality ordinance referred to in several ways and requested clarification on how that ties in <br /> with the consultants obtained by the PDA. <br /> Mr. Fialho said it is a City Council priority to develop a right to do business ordinance, also <br /> referred to as a hospitality plan or ordinance, good neighbor policy, and others. He explained <br /> that the PDA board is sponsoring a hospitality effort through a non profit organization that works <br /> with municipalities throughout the country. This organization has been invited to meet with PDA <br /> stakeholders, City staff, and elected officials to discuss what such an effort might look like and <br /> how it has worked successfully in other communities. Separate from that, although related, the <br /> Council does have the priority already mentioned and it is staff's goal to participate with the <br /> PDA, learn their ultimate recommendation, and see how that dovetails into the Council's priority. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan asked how downtown residents and the larger community will be <br /> engaged. Mr. Fialho said staff would take the recommendation put forth by the PDA and then <br /> engage the community through the public process before coming to the Council for review. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan stated concern that the PDA recommendation would come straight to <br /> the Council and that the views of all downtown stakeholders would not be reflected. Mr. Fialho <br /> said that concern has been communicated directly to and is understood by the PDA. The PDA <br /> has its own priority to pursue and, while staff will partner with them in that effort, it is the City <br /> who will ultimately sanction the outcome. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 7 of 9 February 2, 2010 <br />
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