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Commissioner O’Connor noted that the previous plan included a larger fuel station with <br />one more bay, which has now shrunken to fit between the buildings. <br />Commissioner O’Connor stated that there was also a lot of discussion at the last <br />workshop as to whether there was adequate parking for this much retail. He noted that <br />the retail is now increasing from 59,900 square feet up to 66,000 square feet, which is <br />more than ten percent, yet parking is being reduced. He inquired what the rationale for <br />this might be. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that he believes there will still be excess parking provided. He noted <br />that the requirement is additive and that it is rare that the center will ever be fully <br />parked. <br />Commissioner O’Connor noted that the parking at the other Safeway Store Center in <br />Pleasanton is pretty full, with a Walgreen’s Store and other retail there. <br />Commissioner Pentin stated that the other Safeway Center had a lot of parking about <br />100 feet out from the store. <br />Commissioner O’Connor stated that this was not his experience. <br />Commissioner Narum stated that if a comparison were to be done, she would rather <br />compare it to the Safeway in Dublin which has a gas station. She indicated that she <br />believed that center is under-parked and is more representative of this location. She <br />noted that it also does not have the second major tenant but small ones combined with <br />the gas station and that parking is extremely difficult. <br />Commissioner O’Connor suggested that staff look at both centers and compare the total <br />retail square footage and parking of both. <br />Commissioner Blank inquired if the expansion would take away parking spaces. <br />Mr. Pavan replied that the expansion would decrease the number of parking spaces and <br />that that the parking ratio was calculated without the removal of the additional parking <br />spaces. <br />Referring to the project interface with Bernal Park, Commissioner Pentin inquired why <br />the process was changed from the applicant building the interface/transition of the <br />project to the City park adjoining the project to the applicant contributing to the City the <br />construction costs of the transition area on City property with the City constructing the <br />improvements. <br />Mr. Pavan replied that the construction of the office area and improvements in the park <br />property will occur in the future and is predicated on the market. He stated that staff felt <br />that it would be much more efficient to secure the money and have the City build the <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 14, 2009 Page 10 of 25 <br /> <br />