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PC 040908
City of Pleasanton
PC 040908
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PC 040908
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frontage, his rear patio deck, his family room, his kitchen bar, and his front door. He <br />noted that the tank could have been placed anywhere else on the over one -acre property <br />and is visible from Diamond Court because Diamond Court is at a different grade He <br />added that 70 percent of the tank is visible from Diamond Court regardless of whether the <br />fence at the end of the road is solid or open. <br />Mr. Segundo stated that the size of the tank is an overkill, given the amount of water <br />needed to irrigate the property. He stated that he had no complaints about the property <br />and agreed that it has improved greatly. He noted that he did have conversation with <br />Ms. Rocha regarding the installation of the tank and suggested that she install a smaller <br />unit which would be lower in profile and less in gallon in a more inconspicuous location <br />rather than in front of his property. He added that he encouraged her to check with the <br />City prior to installation if she needed a conditional use permit and that there were <br />possibilities that other homeowners in Diamond Court may also have complaints about <br />the tank. He noted that he contacted Ivan, the owner of Dan's Water and Well, who also <br />did the work in his well, and discussed with him his input on the actual tank. He noted <br />that Ivan stated that the cost to move the unit would not be a financial hardship because <br />the base and foundation are rock rather than concrete, PVC pipes are fairly inexpensive to <br />run pipe to actual tank, actual labor and trenching are minimal, and emptying the tank is <br />basic and would be quick, simple, and safe with its current water load. He continued that <br />Ivan mentioned that the distance from the well to the tank, whether two feet or 50 feet, <br />made no difference and that while the pump had to be replaced, the leak in the old water <br />storage tank could have been fixed and could still be useful with proper maintenance. He <br />mentioned that he does not remember seeing the old tank although he owned his property <br />prior to Ms. Rocha's purchase of her property. He stated that the tank is too big and <br />leaving it at its current location is not an option, regardless of any type of trees planted, <br />paint work done on the actual unit, or shrubbery put around the existing unit. He noted <br />that he and a lot of Diamond Court homeowners would be happy if the tank were <br />relocated, perhaps in the front yards of the neighbors who do not care about it and can <br />live with it. <br />Cindy Caulk stated that Ms. Rocha has done a good job with her property and that the <br />Segundos have had a problem with Ms. Rocha from the very start. She noted that <br />Mr. Segundo constantly harassed Ms. Rocha after her husband died. She stated that the <br />Segundos also have a water tank that is bigger than Ms. Rocha's tank and added that <br />Mr. Segundo is exaggerating when he says that the tank sits outside his front door <br />because it is located on the garage side. <br />Ms. Rocha stated that the new tank is half the size of the old one and is a lot shorter and <br />smaller. She indicated that she has about 8,000 feet of sod to irrigate and that during the <br />hot summer months, the landscaping has to be irrigated twice a day. She noted that the <br />residents at Diamond Court did not have a problem with the tank until the fence was <br />removed and exposed her yard. She stated that her privacy has been violated with the <br />removal of the fence and that she felt like a zoo animal in her backyard with people <br />walking and staring at her. She noted that she has driven on Diamond Court many times <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, April 9, 2008 Page 12 of 33 <br />
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