<br />The Clerk then read the following reports of the municipal officers;
<br />Plater Department: - - Showing that water had been turned on at 4 places and off at nine.
<br />Put in 1 new hydrant on Vineyard Avenue, 1 new tap Sunol Road, A. Bagnasco, 1 New
<br />Tap and Meter fro Pleasanton Lumber Company, repaired and changed eight meters,
<br />repaired Sunol Road pipe line. Report showed that there were 414: taps in town
<br />and 37 outside of town. That there were 482 services in Town (On 429,,Off 53),
<br />and 45 services outside of town (On 43,,Off 2), total number ofser.vices 527.- The
<br />report showed the expenses of the department as $342.20 and the income $702.00, leaving
<br />a total over and above expenses of $9'62.00. The report showed that the total
<br />allons water pumped at Pump #1, was 7,440,000, and 120 000 gallons pum ed at Pump
<br />2. The total hours pumping at Pump' #1, was 226J and 42 hours at Pump 2. Repot
<br />showed. that 2 water deposits had been collected and one had been returned.
<br />Town Clerk: -- Showing that he had delivered to the Marshal 7 licenses for collection
<br />amounting to 4126.00 and. 446 water bills amounting to 01253.35. Report showed that
<br />the Treasurer had. on hand at the time of last report $6380.49 and since then the following
<br />collections have been made:.Licenses from Mlarshai $261.00; Igo licenses $13.60;
<br />relater Bills from Marshal $1019.75; Water bills from Engineer x.85; Water Sold
<br />Alameda County $9.75; Milk Insnection fees from Marshal 033.45; Recorder's Court
<br />$25.00; from town Clerk: Dance -Fees $15.00; Personal Property Taxes $58.50; P.G.wE.
<br />on account of street work $15.00, making a total of 07832.39, less amount of warrants
<br />issued August 6, 1934, $1696.06, leaving a cash balance in the hands of the Treasurer
<br />of $6,1.36:33;:':This was divided as .follows; General Fund $5296.39, ,Hater Bond :Fund 00330.83;'
<br />Town Hall Bond Fund $7.57;' Water Deposit Fund ¢47.50; 1929 Municipal Improvement Bond
<br />Fund $342.13; 'Kunicipal Iiiiprovement Bond Fund X159.41.
<br />Superintendent of Streets: -- Showing that work on streets had amounted to $70.37
<br />during the month of August, 1934.
<br />Town Marshal : -- Showing that he had received water bills from the Clerk amounting to
<br />1253.35; that he collected water bills amounting to $1019.75 and that he returned
<br />water bills amounting to $233.60. He also collected licenses amounting to
<br />9 "2¢1.00 as follows: 1934 -35 licenses: 13 licenses Q 012.00 -- 156.00; 1 license at
<br />15.00- 415.00; 1 licenses'r 16.00 -- $16.00; 1 license at $50.00 -- $50.00; 1933 -34
<br />Licenses: 2 licenses P $12.00 -- $24.00. He also collected milk inspection fees
<br />amounting to $33.45.
<br />Treasurer: -- Showing that the Water Deposit Fund had $45.00 per last report,
<br />and that to xo had been received during the month, making a total of 050.00 less
<br />$2.50 paid out, leaving $47.50 in the Special Water Deposit Fund. Also showing.
<br />that he had cash on hand at last report of $'$380.49 and since then collections
<br />had amounted to $1451.90 and that payment of town warrants had amounted to
<br />$1696.06 leaving a cash balance in the hands of the Treasurer of X6136.33.
<br />City Judge: -- Showing that X25.00 had been collected in fines during the month
<br />of August, 1934.
<br />Health Officer: -- Showing activities during the month of August, 1934.
<br />Fire Chie % -- Report of activities of the Department for the month of August, 1934.
<br />Building Inspector: -- Showing that two building permits had been issued during the
<br />month and that three electrical permits had been issued.
<br />The reports were referred. to the finance committee for examination and report.
<br />O
<br />The following communications were received:
<br />August 16th -- Randolph W. Apperson, presenting,his resignation as a member of the City
<br />Council.
<br />August 22nd- -John Skeggs, District Engineer, Division of Highways, District IV with
<br />regards to original Memorandum of Agreement jointly executed by the
<br />City and the Department of Public Works to provide for accumulation
<br />of Pleasanton's share of the one - quarter cent gas fund executed August
<br />20, 1934.
<br />August 25th -- Letter from the .family of the late Henry Reimers expressing appreciation
<br />for .flowers and resolution sent by the' City Council.
<br />August 31st 7- League of California I1lunicipalities with reference to dues in the
<br />Association from July lst to December 31, 1934 and amounting to $17.50.
<br />August 31st -- Ashton Britten, in reference to bacteria count at Sewer Farm and also
<br />the installation of another meter in connection with electric heater
<br />in order to provide a cheaper rate for electricity used.
<br />A petition was received from: Mr. and Mrs. Elsnab, 237 St. Johns Street, Pleasanton
<br />Mary E. Stovell, 725 Pleasanton Avenue, if It
<br />Mrs. Dorthea Mensel, 721 " " TV 11 if if
<br />Mrs. C. Erickson, Pleasanton Avenue, n r►
<br />with regards to the installation of further street lights in the vicinity of 721
<br />Pleasanton Avenue. .
<br />