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Payroll <br />Recess <br />Adjournment <br />Be it resolved by the Board of Town Trustees of the Town of Pleasantan,.that the <br />Town Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to draw warrants the Town <br />treasurer in favor of the persons bamed below for the amounts respectively set dp- <br />posite their names: <br />C. Letham, Town Clerk 75.00 <br />E. L. Benedict, town treasurer 10.00 <br />Frank C. Nevis, Marshal, Supt. Streets Etc 125.00 <br />A. Petersen, nightwatchman and gardener 110.00 <br />WM. H. Graham, care fire apparatus 10.00 <br />Hugh Sinclair, sanitary 'engineer, etc 125.00 <br />Dr. J. Hal Cope, health officer '10:00 <br />W. T. Davis, Recorder 1 6.00 <br />Mary Viada, janitor town hall 15.00 <br />C. A. Gale, town attorney 25.00. $515.000 <br />tion o sYee ati n seconae8 pt yruste o e l `fiekarg, o and e ie a HIloving ovoteo <br />Ayes; Trustees Pickard, Garatti, Bairos, Bruce and Schween. <br />Noes; None. <br />Absent; None. <br />&resolution No. 9584 <br />Wgistammax Whereas, Section 2, Chapter 234 of the 1923 Statutes require that <br />Board of Trustees give public notice of municipal elections by publishing• such <br />notices in`a'newspaper published in said town after the 14th day of February, <br />now therefore <br />Be it resolved. that the Town Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and <br />instructed to cause such notice to be published one time in The.PlePP°rt ^r mimes <br />it the mcnicr and form prescribed by law.- <br />The adoption of this resolution ■aas moved by Trustee Pickard, seconded by <br />Trustee Garatti and carried by the following vote: <br />Ayes; Trustees Pickard, Garatti, Baioos, Bruce and.Schween. <br />Noes; None <br />Absent None. <br />Committee Reports <br />The board was again called to order arid Trustee Pickard as chairman of the <br />Finance and supply committee, reported that the committee had examined and approved <br />claims numbered 137 to 150 inclusive, and moved that warrants be drawn on the treas- <br />urer in favor of the respective claimants. The motion was seconded by Trustee Gar- <br />atti, and carried by the following vote: <br />Ayes; Trustees Pickard, Garatti, Bairosm Bruce and Schween. <br />Noes; None <br />Absent; None. <br />Trustee Pickard further reported that the committee had examined and approved <br />the officers' monthly reports. On order of President Schween they were placed on. <br />file. <br />The board took a brief recess dgtring which the supply and finance committee ex- <br />amined and audited the officer's monthly reports and claims against the town. <br />There being no further business the board. adjourned until February 18th at the <br />hour of 7:80 p. m. <br />Resolution No.. 95f <br />President of the Board of Town Trustees. <br />Town Clerk <br />The Board was called to order at 7;30 p. m. with•President Schween in the <br />Chair. The roll call showed the following to be present: Trustees Pickard, Garatti, <br />Bruce, Baiors and Schweei. Absent, None. <br />A large delegation of properly owners from laain street were present. <br />Engineer George Posey repotted' to the bard that satisfactory arrangements had <br />been made wi the,Souther Pacific compan regarding the railroad crossing at the <br />southern en of ain s ree an a was s ow ready r <br />to rocee wi plans an <br />specifications for the work in that section Mr. Posey declared that the County <br />of Alameda had agreed to put in all cross gutters, lower sewer Manholes and pave a <br />strip the entire length of Makin street to a width of 18 feet with 5 inch concrete. <br />565 <br />