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B. An employee on leave of absence with pay in lieu of temporary disability <br /> payments pursuant to Section 4850 of the Labor Code shall accumulate sick <br /> leave during said leave of absence, in accordance with the provisions of that <br /> section. <br /> 7.5(2) Sick Leave Usage <br /> A. Management and confidential employees shall be eligible for sick leave with <br /> pay. Sick leave shall not be considered a right, which an employee may use at <br /> his /her discretion, but shall be allowed only as follows: <br /> 1. In cases of necessity and actual personal sickness or disability of the <br /> employee; <br /> 2. For medical and dental appointments of the employee, at the discretion <br /> of the employee's supervisor; <br /> 3. For the care of, medical or dental appointment for, or attendance upon <br /> the sickness or disability of members of the employee's immediate family <br /> or for bereavement because of the death of a member of the employee's <br /> immediate family. A maximum of forty -eight (48) hours per year of sick <br /> leave may be used for this purpose. For purposes of this section, the <br /> immediate family shall consist of the spouse, children, parents, brothers, <br /> sisters, grandparents, or other individual whose relationship to the <br /> employee is that of a dependent. <br /> (a) The department head shall grant such leave and determine the <br /> amount thereof. <br /> (b) This provision does not apply if the family sickness or disability, or <br /> the employee's bereavement occurs while the employee is on <br /> vacation. <br /> 4. A management and confidential employee eligible for temporary <br /> disability payments may use accumulated sick leave in order to maintain <br /> his /her regular income, provided, however, that the employee shall be <br /> allowed a credit against sick leave to the extent that temporary disability <br /> • payments are retained by the City. <br /> Page 11 of 31 <br />