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development, they corrected the problem by removing dead trees and replanting <br />some. She indicated that she supported either the removal or maintenance of the <br />trees. <br />Nanda Gottiparthy voiced concern about the cost of the landscaping maintenance <br />along the streets and asked that the Planning Commission require the homeowners <br />association (HOA) of the new development to share in the cost of maintaining the <br />landscaping along these streets that would also be utilized by the new project. He <br />stated that at the time the original condition was placed, an analysis was not done to <br />review the burden and benefit derived from residents. He indicated that the <br />residents of the Ironwood development had received a letter from the HOA <br />increasing the association dues by 21 percent. He noted that it would be logical and <br />reasonable for the new development to share a proportionate cost in the landscape <br />maintenance. <br />Commissioner Narum asked Mr. Otto to display an overview map that would help <br />the Commission understand the landscaping maintenance. <br />Mr. Otto displayed a map and pointed out the different locations where landscaping <br />needed to be maintained. He indicated the areas that were maintained by the <br />homeowners association and those maintained by the City. <br />Commissioner Narum stated that she understood that the homeowners association <br />maintained the landscaping along Busch Road. <br />Mr. Otto replied that Ponderosa Homes had installed a masonry wall and <br />landscaping along the south side of Busch Road as well as along the north side, with <br />project entry monument signs. <br />Commissioner O’Connor noted that at the time the development was created, a <br />school site was anticipated but that now residential is being developed. He inquired <br />if this would have been tied into one big maintenance agreement or HOA amenity. <br />Mr. Otto agreed that an adult development is slightly different and there are ways to <br />appropriate a share of costs for improvements. <br />Ashish Ahluwalia reiterated Mt. Gottiparthy’s comments and, referring to the corner <br />of Valley Avenue and Busch Road, stated that the entire area is currently the <br />responsibility of the Ironwood community. He stated that they have forwarded a <br />letter to Ponderosa Homes asking that the existing senior homes share that <br />landscaping maintenance cost because there is a church and apartments for seniors <br />in the same area, in addition to the new development. <br />Ms. Hardy stated that the original PUD for the Ironwood development and its <br />Conditions of Approval specifically require not only that Ponderosa install all <br />improvements but that ultimately the HOA for Ironwood maintain those areas. She <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, April 15, 2009 Page 6 of 24 <br /> <br />