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LDR/RDR/OS (Planned Unit Development – Low Density Residential/Rural <br />Density Residential/Open Space) District. <br /> <br />Chair Blank disclosed that he had toured the site with the applicant earlier in the day <br />for about an hour. <br /> <br />Commissioner Pearce then disclosed that she had also toured the site with the <br />applicant a few months ago. <br /> <br />Commissioner Olson disclosed he had also toured the site with the applicant a few <br />months ago. <br /> <br />Commissioner Narum disclosed that she had met with the applicant and Mr. <br />Inderbitzen. <br /> <br />Mr. Associate Planner Marion Pavan presented the staff report and described the <br />background, scope, key components, and lay out of the project with the aid of a <br />PowerPoint pPresentation. In conclusion, the sStaff recommendsed that the <br />Planning Commission recommend the approval of this project to the City Council. <br /> <br />Chair Blank noted that he had been presented with a number of different versions of <br />staff’s memorandum and did not know which one was the most current. <br /> <br />Mr. Marion Pavan confirmed that Chair Blank was holding the current version in his <br />right hand. <br /> <br />Commissioner Narum requested that Mr. Pavan display the “View 2: After” vView <br />simulations and identify where the six houses were to be located. Mr. Pavan <br />identified the houses on the screen. Commissioner Narum further asked that he <br />identify the houses by lot, to which Mr. Pavan replied that he would refer the <br />question to would have to ask the applicant’s consultant. <br /> <br />Commissioner Narum next requested that Mr. Pavan display “View 3: After” and <br />asked what lot was shown in that vView. Mr. Pavan replied that he believed it was <br />Lot 4. <br /> <br />Commissioner Narum then inquired if, with respect to Open Space, the permitted <br />use of the land would be for grazing by specific kind of livestock and if those animals <br />would have to be owned by the landowner. Mr. Pavan confirmed that the open <br />space would be for grazing and that the animals may or may not be owned by the <br />landowner. He stated that there are companies that bring livestock onto properties <br />owned by others in order to graze and that this provides feed for the animals as well <br />as takes care of the wildland fire hazard area. <br /> <br />Commissioner Narum inquired if, hypothetically, as the landowner of Lot 4, she <br />would be able to build a barn for her animals. Mr. Pavan replied that she would only <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 13, 2008 Page 6 of 26 <br /> <br /> <br />