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Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Initial Study <br /> 1. In -Situ Preservation: The Project Sponsor shall preserve artifacts and resources as found <br /> and shall apply suitable open space, capping, or monumentation to the site. The Project <br /> Sponsor shall alter development plans to accommodate this alternative, as necessary. <br /> 2. Excavation /Recovery: The archaeological consultant shall excavate the site, evaluate the site <br /> for historical references, recover artifacts as appropriate, and cover the site to preserve <br /> remaining artifacts. The project Sponsor shall maintain sufficient buffering between <br /> development subsurface construction and the location of resources. <br /> 3. Excavation /Removal: The archaeological consultant shall excavate and recover the cultural <br /> resources as described above and remove artifacts as necessary. However, due to the depth <br /> of development excavation, the site would be permanently disturbed. <br /> If the City requires data recovery, the archaeological consultant shall first prepare an <br /> Archaeological Data Recovery Plan that s /he shall submit to the Director of the Planning and <br /> Community Development Department for review and approval. <br /> If development plans call for trenching within 200 feet of an arroyo or canal, a program of <br /> subsurface mechanical trenching along the impacted route shall precede project trenching in an <br /> attempt to locate additional archaeological sites and /or the original meander of the arroyo, where <br /> such sites would most likely be. If additional sites were to be found, the developer shall adhere to <br /> the above mitigation measures. <br /> If human remains are discovered, the project sponsor shall contact the County Coroner <br /> immediately. If the coroner determines that the human remains are Native American remains, the <br /> project sponsor shall notify the California State Native American Heritage Commission. <br /> The archaeological consultant shall prepare a Final Archaeological Resources Report evaluating <br /> the historical importance of the archaeological resource and describing the archaeological and <br /> historical research methods employed in the testing, monitoring, and data recovery programs. <br /> The Director of the Community Development Department shall review and approve this <br /> document. <br /> Less Than <br /> Significant <br /> Potentially Impact With I qtr Than <br /> Significant Mitigation Significant No <br /> Issues Impact Incorporated Impact Impact <br /> 6. Geology and Soils Would the project:: <br /> a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial X <br /> adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death <br /> involving: <br /> i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the X <br /> most recent Alquist Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map <br /> issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on <br /> other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to <br /> Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication <br /> Strong seismic ground shaking? X <br /> Revised 9/4/09 16 9/4/2009 <br />