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Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Initial Study <br /> Less Than <br /> Significant <br /> Potentially Impact I Pith Less Than <br /> Sigmpcant Miligation Significant No <br /> Issues Impact Incorporated Impact Impact <br /> 1. Aesthetics Would the project: <br /> a) I1ave a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? X <br /> b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not 1 X <br /> litnited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings <br /> within a state scenic highway? <br /> c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality P1 X <br /> of the site and its surroundings? <br /> d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare, which 1 X <br /> would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? <br /> Significance Criteria <br /> The impact questions above constitute the significance criteria for this environmental topic. <br /> Discussion of Checklist Questions <br /> Less- than Significant Impact. Views of any of the proposed off -street pedestrian and /or bicycle trails <br /> would be views of linear open space; views of open space would not be expected to result in adverse <br /> impacts on any scenic vista. Some new trails are proposed within existing parks, open space, and public <br /> land. The proposed trails are consistent the type of uses typically found in parks, open space, and public <br /> land. <br /> Some proposed sidewalks and bicycle routes involve existing right -of -way in previously developed areas. <br /> Views of signs and painted bicycle lanes, or of new, widened, or redesigned sidewalks would be minor <br /> aesthetic changes. Improvements for Class 1 facilities include sidewalks or pathways along existing <br /> right -of -way. Some improvements would result in the need for additional right -of -way or impact <br /> existing landscaping including street trees. <br /> The construction of new trails could result in the removal of some trees, although no future trails are <br /> expected to damage any rock outcropping or historic buildings. As part of the project, the City would <br /> replace any trees removed due to implementation of the Master Plan following requirements of the <br /> Pleasanton Municipal Code, Chapter 17.16: Tree Preservation. <br /> Because these trails would be new open space accessible to the public, some users of the trails may leave <br /> trash. In the past the City has assigned its staff to clean the public sidewalks and trails on a regular basis. <br /> As part of this project the City proposes to continue regular trail clean -up and thus excess trash would <br /> not be expected to result in an adverse effect on the environment. <br /> Interstate 680 (1 -680) is a designated scenic highway. Development of trails and paths for pedestrian <br /> and bicycle use would be linear pathways without tall structures, few of which would be readily <br /> noticeable from the freeway. Thus such development would not be expected to impact visual quality in <br /> a substantially negative manner. <br /> Revised 9/4/09 8 9/4/2(09 <br />