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tracking and reporting to our AB32 and Climate Action Plan requirements, and joint application for <br />competitive funding. <br /> <br />Mr. Smith reviewed the enhancements to environmental sustainability in the Bay Area, and <br />specifically Pleasanton, that will result from the immediate and long-term reductions in energy use <br />and greenhouse gas emissions. Analysis projects that over a 2-year term, the project will provide <br />approximately $43.5 million in energy savings and by the year 2020, will have reduced CO2 <br />emissions by 3 million tons, retrofitted 570,000 houses, provided $7.7 billion in private investment, <br />$2.9 billion in energy savings, and created 74,000 jobs. He noted that is not an <br />AB811 district package but explained that this program provides the specifications for implementing <br />it. <br /> <br />Gary Wolff, Executive Director of added that the structure of the project is to <br />develop technical specifications and then train contractors and inspectors in the implementation and <br />verification of those specifications. The hope is that the project takes off on its own and establishes <br />itself as a venue through which property owners can confidently obtain bids and secure contractors <br />to perform efficiency improvements. <br /> <br />Mayor Hosterman asked what the projected timeline is between now and when AB811 can be <br />made available to the Pleasanton public. Mr. Wolff explained that the implementation of AB811 is <br />dependent upon specific legal requirements and particulars that he cannot speak to. He said with <br />respect to the project itself, it is expected that authorization from most cities will be secured within <br />the next 4 to 6 weeks and the project should be up and running 6 weeks after that. He cited a <br />scheduled discussion with the City Managers Group on June 17 to discuss the allocation of cost <br />among jurisdictions and reported that several municipalities had expressed concern that the <br />allocation requested of them was perhaps larger than was fair. He explained that all allocations <br />were based on population but in some cases, such as Newark, that amounted to requests in excess <br />of 4% of their Block Grant funds. <br /> <br />Mr. Wolff reported that they have already submitted one proposal on behalf of the jurisdictions to <br />the Bay Area Council Economic Institute, the body responsible for reviewing, ranking, and <br />recommending proposals to the state. <br /> <br />Resolution No. 09-297 <br />MOTION: It was m/s by Sullivan/Thorne to adopt authorizing the City <br />Manager to participate in a cost-sharing agreement with StopWaste.Org for the proposed Green <br />Packages Project. Motion passed by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes: Councilmembers Cook-Kallio, McGovern, Sullivan, Thorne, Mayor Hosterman <br />Noes: None <br />Absent: None <br /> <br />16. Review and comment on the Notice of Preparation for a joint Environmental Impact <br />Report/Environmental Impact Statement prepared for the Transmission Agency of Northern <br />California Transmission Project <br /> <br />Community Development Director Brian Dolan gave the staff report, noted that there is only limited <br />technical detail available at this point, described the proposed project, and explained that staff has <br />been working collectively with Livermore and the Tri-Valley Conservancy to understand the scope <br />and ramifications of the project. The project has 2 applicants: 1) the Transmission Agency of <br />Northern California, a JPA formed in 1984 to develop and operate electric transmission projects for <br />a number of municipalities and public agencies; and 2) the Western Area Power Administration, a <br /> <br />City Council Minutes Page 6 of 11 June 2, 2009 <br /> <br /> <br />