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The Proposed Pleasanton General Plan 2005 -2025 EIR identifies potential <br /> environmental impacts and mitigation measures. The EIR concludes that, if proposed <br /> mitigation measures are adopted, impacts resulting from adopting the Draft General <br /> Plan could be reduced to a less than significant level, with the exception of one <br /> significant and unavoidable impact as follows: <br /> Development due to buildout of the proposed General Plan would result in an <br /> increase in population lower than that assumed in the newest air quality plan <br /> (2005 Ozone Strategy) and an increase in vehicle miles traveled. The increase <br /> in vehicle miles traveled would lead to increases in air pollutants in the Planning <br /> Area that could conflict with implementation of the current air quality plan. <br /> The EIR also includes an analysis of alternatives to the Proposed General Plan, <br /> including No Project (retaining the 1996 General Plan), Dispersed Growth, and the <br /> Concentrated Residential /Mixed Use alternatives. <br /> The preparation of the programmatic level EIR in concert with the Proposed General <br /> Plan allowed the incorporation of programs in the Proposed General Plan to mitigate <br /> most potential impacts. The only impacts remaining which can be mitigated are related <br /> to road improvements at two gateway intersections. <br /> CEQA Findings <br /> CEQA requires the lead agency to adopt findings for each potentially significant <br /> environmental impact disclosed in the EIR. Specifically, for each significant impact, the <br /> lead agency must make one or more of the following three findings: <br /> Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project to avoid or <br /> substantially lessen the significant environmental effects identified in the EIR; <br /> Such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of <br /> another public agency and should be adopted by that agency; or, <br /> Specific economic, social, legal, technological, or other considerations make the <br /> mitigation measures or alternatives identified in the EIR infeasible. <br /> The CEQA findings are in Attachment 7, for the City Council's review. <br /> Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> If a lead agency approves a project without mitigating all of the significant impacts, it <br /> must prepare a statement of overriding considerations, in which it balances the benefits <br /> of the project against the unavoidable environmental risks. The statement of overriding <br /> considerations must explain the social, economic, or other reasons for approving the <br /> project despite its environmental impacts. <br /> Staff has examined reasonable project alternatives. Staff has found that the Existing <br /> General Plan, Dispersed Growth Alternative, and Concentrated Residential /Mixed Use <br /> Alternative would not achieve the core project objectives or would not significantly <br /> reduce the significant and unavoidable impacts identified from the Project. For this <br /> reason, staff recommends that the Proposed (Draft) General Plan be approved. <br /> Page 7 of 8 <br />