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27. That the developer install street trees as required <br />per ordinance, <br />28. That any damage to street improvements now existing or <br />done during construction on the subject property be <br />repaired at full expense to the developer. <br />29. That lighting approved by the Police Department shall <br />be provided around the perimeter of the building. <br />30. That if required by the Police Department, the building <br />shall be equipped with an alarm system, the type to be <br />approved by the Police Department and that this system <br />shall be installed prior to final building inspection. <br />31. That the site be kept free of fire hazards from the <br />start of construction to final inspection and that the <br />Fire Department emergency number be provided adjacent <br />to all telephones on the site. <br />32. That the following water conserving plumbing fixtures <br />be installed: a) low flush water closets; b) shower <br />flow control heads; c) aerators in interior faucets; <br />and d) insulation of hot water lines. <br />33. That the developer acknowledges that the City of Pleasanton <br />does not guarantee the availability of sufficient sewer <br />capacity to serve this development by the approval of <br />this case, and that the developer agrees and acknowledges <br />that building permit approval may be withheld if sewer <br />capacity is found by the City not to be available. <br />34. That the developer submit a building permit survey <br />and site development plan in accordance with the <br />Survey Ordinance (Article 3, Chapter 3, Title II) and <br />that these plans be approved by the City Engineer <br />prior to the issuance of a building permit. <br />35. That the site development plan include all required <br />information to design and construct site, grading, <br />paving, drainage, sanitary sewer, water and fire <br />service systems. <br />